4. Don't look, you won't like what you find

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M'gann, if anything, was a meddler. She meddled. If someone was annoyed, she meddled and prodded until they gave up what they were annoyed about and made them more annoyed in the process 8 times out of ten. If someone was being secretive then she would wear them down until they either told her the secret or came up with a convincing enough lie to send her on her way. 

It wasn't entirely her fault in the beginning. Her exposure to Earth culture and Earth friendships was through cheesy sitcoms with a studio audience that laughed and cooed at seemingly random intervals. She was used to every problem being solved by pushing someone to the point they spilled the beans even though sometimes the moral of the story is to let people work things out on their own time. 

Then it got to her one-year anniversary on Earth and she still did it so they just assumed it was who she was. Their consensus had been it was her misguided way of caring for the people around her, unable to let them go on without doing something to help no matter how pushy it came across and how little help it seemed to do. She had to do something

So when she noticed Dick was retreating into himself, she crossed some boundaries in the name of good faith and found something she deeply regretted.

For the past hour he'd been there, Dick had spoken all of two words. One was a half-hearted hi and the other was yes when he was asked if he wanted some coffee. He'd been silent outside of that which, if he'd arrived at the mountain with work to do, M'gann wouldn't take notice of. He often stopped by when he wanted some time away from home but didn't want to be alone. He'd sit at either the breakfast bar or curl up on the big armchairs out of the way. That wasn't what happened today though. 

He'd trudged in with an extra big hoodie on with a brand or band name M'gann had never heard of. She'd seen the hoodie before though and when she asked what it was, he'd given her a mischievous smile and asked her to talk to Black Canary about it but when she did the hero had blushed and told her not to mention it again. 

Dick had said his first word, hi, and then walked straight to the free armchair. He pulled his legs up and rested his chin on them, making himself look impossibly small and childish for someone as deadly as himself. He didn't pull out his computer or start on any work, only putting in one earphone as he blankly watched the TV. It was only himself, M'gann and Connor at the time so it at least made a little sense why he hadn't been overly chatty since Connor wasn't the most talkative person and M'gann usually had to initiate conversations.

M'gann was a little worried at that point but she decided he might just be tired. He worked long nights and went to a prestigious school so she didn't doubt that he would get run down some time or other. Now that he didn't wear sunglasses around the team, it was a lot more noticeable when he hadn't slept well for a while. One quick glance told her that he'd been having a few too many sleepless nights. 

"Dick, I'm putting on a pot of coffee, do you want some?" she asked. He didn't answer immediately so she flew over and tapped him on the shoulder. He lazily dragged his eyes over to her and stared. His blue eyes were always piercing but right now they were dull and almost grey rather than their usual sapphire. "I asked if you wanted coffee?" He gave her a half smile and nodded.

"Yes."  She patted his shoulder before floating away to prepare his coffee. He always had it the same way. Black coffee with four sugars unless it was Saturday when he'd have five. Once she saw him take a caffeine pill with a black coffee and he didn't come back for three days so safe to say, he didn't do that again. 

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