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Chris's pov- the whole plain ride was smooth and awesome because i sat next to the lunatic fringe himself DEAN AMBROSE FOR THE SHEILD! he's a really nice and sweet guy we have a lot in common together , our plane landed in LA where raw was gonna be filmed live and the best part is i am debuting which i am totally excited for! i hope andy will be watching speaking of andy i haven't heard from him in days! which is unlike him i decided i would call him after i got my bag from baggage claim maybe ill visit andy after raw is over yeah thats what ill do ill go visit andy! i missed him soooo much."Chris?" dean said snapping me out of my deep thoughts "Yeah sorry i was just thinking" i laughed "whatcha thinkin about cupcake";) dean said with a wink "how excited i am for debuting on raw and after raw im gonna visit some one hey would u and the guys like to go with me to meet him?" i asked dean "okay that sounds good me and the boys would be happy to meet your friend plus we can keep you safe because your our bestie" dean said while giving me a side hug and a smile "awww yay!" i laughed hugging him right back i loved the shield seth is the joker of the group but he's really sweet and caring , roman is the tough big brother like guy he's awesome , and dean he's like a big teddy bear that also has a protective side which is really cool.:)

andys pov- after the park me and Juliet went back to the house to get ready for raw we changed and headed out all i could think about was MY Juliet i love her to pieces but for some reason i feel like im forgetting something i cant put my finger on it oh well guess it wasn't that important if i cant remember i also have this feeling like somethings gonna happen all i know is im gonna keep my love Juliet safe from any danger "andy babe you ready?" Juliet said as she was getting out of the car "yea baby" i said kissing her with so much passion and lust god shes the one for me .

chris pov-i got my ring gear on i was in my dressing room when all of a sudden I heard a knock at the door I got up and answered it to reveal a smiling Shield "hey guys" I greeted with a big smile "hey Chrissy we just wanted to wish you good luck out there going to kick ass!"Seth said with a goofy smile "thanks guys I'm really nervous but also excited it's so nice for you guys actually came to wish me good luck you guys are really sweet I love you guys you're the best buddies I could ever ask for!"i said giving each one a hug "hey since your nervous do you want me to walk you to the gorilla(curtain)? dean asked with a smile "sure! :)" i replied dean is really a sweet guy "chris your on in five!!!" the tech guy said "lets go princess"dean said with a giggle "oky princey" i laughed he wrapped his arm around my shoulders leading me to the gorilla "good luck cupcake" dean said while giving me a hug "thanks deany" i said with a smile my theme hit "well thats my que" "go get them tiger remember me and the guys will be watching!" with that i smiled and ran out of the curtains down the ramp the crowd was going nuts it was awesome! "making her way down the ring weighing 110 pounds from Cincinnati Ohio Chris!" Lillian said , i jumped in the ring going to the ropes bowing kisses at the crowd when "call to me call to me summer raes theme blasted" "and her opponent from lasVegas Nevada weighing 103 pounds summer Rae! *match* summer was on the ground i got up to the top rope and looked at the crowd and i saw sitting in the crowd andy!!! andy was here !!! i quickly jumped off the top rope doing my signature rib buster jump and pin summer 1! 2! 3! DING DING DING and the winner is chris!!! i won my first match ! Sierra Hotel India echo Lima Delta the shield the guys were making their way down from the crowd entering the ring i looked to the crowd and saw andy he didnt look at me instead he kissed a blonde girls cheek that was sitting next to him thats probably a cousin or something andy wouldn't cheat on me he promised he wouldn't break my heart . the sheild entered the ring they all had microphones in hand "congradulations chris on winning your first match at WWE MONDAY NIGH RAW! seth said and the crowd cheered "we have an offer i think you would like " roman said with a smile "whats is it boys?" i asked rather curious "well sweet cheeks we talked it over with the authority and they said it would be oky and cool if you joined the shield what do you say butter cup wanna join us and bring justice to the WWE?" dean asked witha smirk "YES YES YES ID LOVE TO YOU CAN BELIVE THAT!" with that all four of us put our fists together and right then and there i was now the 4th member of the shield i now get to be with my best friends 24/7 helping them and being with tham made me so happy!. with that we excited the ring back stage all four of us we changing into regular clothes and getting ready to leave the arena to go visit andy "this is gonna be so awesome having you with us chris" dean said with a smile "hell yeah it is " i said with a laugh with that we excited the arena to the rental car which all four of us car pooled together from now on me and dean were in back while roman drove and seth in the passenger seat "where are we headed to chrissy" roman asked "um 1221 rock street ro ro" i said with a giggle that was where andys bands house was.

andys pov-raw was good something about the new diva was really famimilar but then again i was in the upper seats so my vison wasnt that great anyways me and Juliet went back to my house "i had a great day with you juliet " i said smiling "oh andy baby its only just begun" she then lead me to the bedroom where we started to have super hot sex together .

chris's pov- "turn here ro ro"i said smiling roman pulled into the drive way.i jumped out of the car with the boys behind me i knocked on the door only to find it was opened so we all walked in "andy?" i called no answer we then proceeded to go upstairs to the bed rooms, i heard nosies i couldnt make out so i opened the door to find the most heart shattering thing ive ever seen andy was having sex with that blonde girl in the audience "ANDREW DENIS BIERSACK !" i screamed the guys came bolting up the stairs "whoa" they all said at the same time looking at the site "chris?" andy and the blonde quickly pulled the covers over their naked bodies "what are you doing here in la?" he asked "CAME TO SEE YOU BUT NOW I KNOW WHY YOU HAVENT ANSWERED MY CALLS OR ANYTHING YOUR TOO BUSY FUCKING THIS CHICK HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU WERE MY FRIEND I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME YOU SAID SO MANY SWEET THINGS IT WAS ALL A LIE WASNT IT !?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME BUT NOW I SEE I MEANT NOTHING TO YOU , YOU DIDNT EVEN BOTHER TO CALL ME OR EVEN SHOW UP TO MY DEBUT TO WWE YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD COME BACK FOR ME YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME YOUR A LIAR AND AN ASSHOLE !" i scream the tears pouring out of my eyes "chris i should of told you this before but i didnt call you because i realized i dont love you your not the one for me your too sweet i need a bad ass girl and i found her all i said was just because i didnt want to hurt you i left and thought you would forget about me but i guess you never forget the one who took your virginity not what i want you dont put out im sorry you thought i loved you because i dont im in love with juliet" andy smirked "you fucking asshole i hate you I HATE YOU!!" i screamed then slapped him across the face i then pushed past the guys and ran down stairs all the way to the woods and cried my eyes out my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

authors note* hey guys i have come to the decision that im gonna delete this story 1 because no one really reads it 2 because im not into andy biereack anymore and 3 i like wwe now so ive decided im gonna write a story all about dean ambrose from wwe and chris instead of this one comment me what you think i should do keep this story going or dump it?

Andy Biersack /DEAN AMBROSE( BE MY GIRL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora