part one: the planning

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adrienne woke up in bed, the sunlight peaking through her blinds, her girlfriend still asleep next to her. she kissed her cheek softly and turned herself over to reach for her phone on the nightside table. 

7 new messages from The Real Housewives of NYC ⭐️ 

wrap it up (renee rapp)

ok so i was thinking of going out 

tonight to go clubbing!

silver (diana silvers)

i'd be so down, i miss you guys and i really 

need a night off to party and get drunk

uma thurman (enya umanzor)

we have to go! it's a necessity.

salem witch (salem mitchell)

ugh we really do have to, now i'm excited!!

sabby (luka sabbat)

yeah that sounds great, but like where's adrienne?


yeah i don't want all of us to plan 

something and then spring it up on her

uma thurman

adri answer or a spider will crawl

up your leg. i'm serious.

adri (adrienne marisol)

i'm here, relax i was sleeping but i'm up now. also hi enya.

clubbing sounds so nice, can liv come ? i mean i'd have to ask her- but can she?

uma thurman

hi fucker 

wrap it up

well obviously!!

salem witch

yeah she's so nice!!! plus she's

a lot of fun to party with


ahh ok great, give me one sec


they better get married, and if 

so, i call dibs on being the ring bearer!


nobody tell luka why he can't be the ring bearer

salem witch 

HAHAHAHA-luka's so funny i can't

uma thurman

no ring bearer would be perfect for them because he acts like a child 


wdym? no i don't. oh i get it now..

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