part six: messages

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adrienne woke up the next morning to an empty bed. she felt emotions that she herself couldn't even explain. as she turned in her white sheets she grabbed her phone, and to no surprise, it had tons of messages from her friends. she slowly went through them, feeling so lucky to have friends like the ones she has, but also feeling like shit because of what olivia had done and was probably doing during the span of their relationship. 

20 new messages from The Real Housewives of NYC ⭐️

wrap it up

hey, i just wanted to say that i'm 

sorry about last night, we shouldn't have gone out


no ren pls don't internalize this, we had fun

nobody could've expected it to go the way it went. 

don't blame yourself for olivia breaking our best friend's heart. 

salem witch

yeah, exactly. i should've known, i 

liked her but there was 

something off..

uma thurman 

guys let's focus on what we can do for adri, 

like we should show up to her apartment. 

comfort her you know?


yeah i completely agree. 

i'll bring some comfort food


yeah okay, and guys please be soft with her and understanding. 

i know i don't have to repeat this, but you should've seen her 

right before we got into a cab, it's a good thing gracie was there but my god. 

fuck olivia, i can't believe her. 

uma thurman

fuck i  can't believe her. 

wrap it up

of course. i'll bring coffee from her favourite cafe. 

the one near washington square park. 

salem witch

ok yeah. wait also-gracie? 

i didn't know she was there last night.


yeah she was, she helped a lot.


oh fuck, we didn't think you'd be awake, it's like 7 am


oh hey adri, so i'm assuming u read our convo, is it okay if we stop by?

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