part four: shit goes down

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"ahhhhh heyyy!!!" screamed the voice of renee. she was with luka. "hi!". replied adrienne with excitement while uncrossing her arms and going into hug the both of them. the cigarette now laying at the corner of her lips, being picked up by her two fingers and resting there. luka said hi with excitement and then adrienne turned over to look at liv,

"hey i'm really excited! we don't hang out often but you guys were so much fun last time we partied. where did we go, the Paradise Club right?". responded liv, going into hug the both of them.

"yeah!! that night was amazing". responded luka. "you guys look hot, i feel like i need to take pics of you!!! he began taking pictures and both of you started posing for the camera. luka loved taking pictures, and most definitely ones of his friends. and he almost always had his phone out for that purpose. 

"hey luvs" said enya approaching adri, liv, renee and luka with diana and salem. 

"hey, omg diana your dress, i love it." replied adrienne now hugging all of her friends. 

liv hugged them as well. the group shared hello and hi's and excitement all together before heading into the club to have the time of their lives. once they headed in they all went straight to the bar to grab a drink to loosen up. especially adrienne and liv of course. they all loved dancing but oh adrienne, she loved it. it was when she felt most like herself, most alive. she simply let herself go.

"ok adri let's go dance" said diana and enya. they were in-sync sometimes, thinking the same things, they were close. the two had known each other since elementary school, perhaps the closest of friends of the six.

"yes GOD i need to dance" replied adrienne, grabbing their hands, being pulled into the crowd by them. it was lively in that club, and adrienne believed that that night was gonna be memorable because she was gonna let herself go. and yes, it was memorable, but not in the best kind of ways. 

"hey luka, renee, come on the floor." said adrienne after a couple of minutes of dancing with enya and diana. she pulled their arms and brought them over. this song was playing:

the six were jumping and screaming and dancing, they were all tipsy. this was it, it was what adrienne had been craving, a release. but there was something stopping her, she didn't feel that much like herself just yet, there was something blocking that, something in the way. she sensed that it might've been the fact that her girlfriend was at the bar, she called her name, but that didn't work so she pulled through people in the crowd to get to her. 

"hey, let's dance"said adri to liv, resting her hand on her shoulder. liv turned, no response, just a sly smile that rested on her face in reply to adrienne's command. 

liv followed the brunette hand in hand through the crowd, and they danced with each other and their friends for what felt like hours. and actually, hours did begin to pass by. and adrienne realized that after an hour of dancing, her girlfriend wasn't next to her anymore. the club was big so she took it as nothing, besides luka and salem were gone too, she was probably with them. 

"ren, i'm gonna take another shot, i'll be back." said adrienne, yet again walking through people to get to the bar. "another shot of vodka pls". she lay her arms on the bar's counter and leaned against it. "coming right up."

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