part nine: coffee talk

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adrienne swung her door open and locked it before heading out to take the subway to meet gracie. as she got on the cart and sat down, she decided to text gracie.  




left my apartment now and am heading on the subway ⭐️

gonna be there in a few minutes, shouldn't be long

just wanted to give you a heads up!!


oh yeah for sure!

i was just about to text you that i'm leaving the house

that's funny, we're just so in sync!!

ok now i'm being annoying 


yeah a bit...

i'm kidding loser


wow loser huh?

that's how it's gonna be..


i mean i did comfort you at the club so idk about that.. 


you really can make a joke go on forever you know that huh


i know it's one of my many talents!!! 😋


i think you should stick to singing 😊😆



wait you actually got me giggling at my phone on the subway now 

everyone is gonna stare at me 

look what you've done 


god i'm just so funny what can i say


adrienne slid her phone into her leather jacket pocket and continued listening to her music. gracie was playing, specifically "I know it won't work", which has been on repeat for adrienne since her and olivia's break up. a slight smile rose on her face. she was happy when she texted gracie, and she knew she'd be even happier spending time with her at her favourite cafe catching up on things. it's been forever since they've spoken more properly and not outside of a club with tears rolling down adrienne's cheeks. 

nearing the songs's end, she got off the cart and exited the station, only for her to see gracie standing at the top of the exits steps. and then "amelie" began to play as their eyes met. 

"oh hey" said adrienne when seeing gracie. "i didn't know you'd be here!" she said as she walked up a couple of more steps of the station's exit and took out her wired headphones.

"hey yeah, when we were texting i figured you'd be close to me, so i just walked a bit to meet you here". said gracie as they went in to hug each other. 

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