part two: party

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adrienne and liv stopped by liv's to pick out more of a fancy outfit for her to go clubbing with. she had clothes at adri's house, but more casual ones, she needed some cute miniskirts and mesh tops, that kind of vibe for a night out. after going to her apartment they headed back to adrienne's which was at the corner of W 17th st and 8th avenue. she loved it there. 

when the two entered the apartment, they plopped themselves on the couch and watched the sex lives of college girls. adrienne and olivia watched every single episode the day they came out ever since it aired. renee was in it and they loved supporting her. having friends that are celebs was a bit of a challenge since you kind of HAD to watch everything they're in or see everything they did, but adri loved that, and didn't take it as a demand upon herself, she simply just loved seeing her friends doing what they love. i mean she was a HUGE Booksmart fan, often expressing her jealousy of not being Hope since she was a badass to diana. she listened to every emergency intercom episode every morning on her way to get coffee and loved hearing enya's laugh. not only that, but seeing salem's face on every magazine cover and spotting her on billboards scattered across nyc brought a smile to adrienne's face. the voice in her head would go: "hey! you're friends with that girl!". and then there was luka, well she made sure to make it to every single one of their shows in new york and he always got her a spot to sit in the runway's seating. she completely adored her friends. completely and entirely.   

once adri and liv finished the season 2 finale episode, liv headed to the kitchen. "hey you want a glass of water?". she said as she walked over to the sink and grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it for herself.

"sure". replied adrienne, turning back to spot liv, her arm hovering over the cupboard, waiting for her response to grab a glass, then filling another. 

"ok so, it's nine-thirty, do you want to start getting ready? because by the time we get ready and then leave the house and take the subway, i mean we'll be there at 11." said olivia, walking over to adrienne and handing her the water. 

"no yeah that's a good idea, i don't want us to be late, just a couple of kisses before we go upstairs". said adrienne, putting her arm up and cupping liv's jaw, guiding her head down since liv had been leaning behind the sofa. adri put down the water and pulled her onto the couch, sweetly kissing her and receiving neck kisses in return. 

"ok ok we'd better get ready". said liv stopping their little makeout sesh. "let's go upstairs." 

"do we have to?". asked adri, holding onto olivia's index finger as liv was motioning to go upstairs. 

"yes-yes we do. come on, it'll be fun! getting ready, trying on outfits, doing our makeup. come on." liv began to walk up stairs.

"ok ok fine, i'm coming. I'M ON AUX FOR GETTING READY THOUGH!" screamed adrienne, trailing a bit behind olivia.

the two started to dance playfully as they picked out outfits. "i was thinking like a white skirt with a black mesh tanktop and a, idk black pea-coat on top?". said liv, looking back at adrienne while scanning adri's wardrobe which was practically her's too. adrienne and olivia have been dating for 3 months, they met through friends of friends and automatically connected. adrienne feels so comfortable around her, and so does olivia. 

"oh that would be so hot". replied adri, now going to the wardrobe to find the red dress that she loved. "i wanna wear the red dress, i know you don't like it too much but i love it." said adrienne being cutoff by liv.

--it's not like that-i just-it's just-uhhg". there was a pause. "no it looks great ad, wear it.". replied olivia after taking a breath. adrienne's nickname for liv was ad. always. it was like that even before they started dating and just began to be friends. adri loved hearing it, no one else called her it and it was like their little thing. 

"whatever i'll wear it. it's okay, you didn't offend me, let's just do our makeup." replied adrienne, a bit sad but not wanting to show it, trying to calm the mood.  liv and her had been getting into fights more frequently, especially in the past two weeks. adrienne acted quickly in situations like those, especially with olivia, she sensed that maybe their relationship was starting to go south. but, she did things like kiss her often, cuddle with her more, because she maybe thought that she could fix it, and she actually started to fix it. they didn't have a little fight like that since thursday, it was saturday.

once they finished their makeup and put on their jewelry, they headed downstairs to put on jackets and catch the subway to Club 51 where they'd meet up with adrienne's friends, just like they planned. 

"ok so C cart is 22 minutes and the M12 bus is 25, which should we take?". asked liv looking at adrienne.

"umm we can take the subway, it's just easier". replied adrienne. there was a short moment of silence as the two looked at each other while liv had her finger on the cold doorknob of the front-door. they just looked at each other, stared, but adri broke the silence and staring after a couple of seconds, "let's get going, i don't want us to be late". and then they left. 

once they arrived at the club it was 11:05. they waited outside the entrance but adrienne's friends were late- only by five minutes. 

"should we go inside?" asked liv. it was a bit frisky out since fall was approaching. 

"no, we can wait a bit, i know it's gonna be packed in there and i'd rather not sift the crowd for them when they do come." replied adrienne, looking down at her chunky black loafers and white socks with her arms crossing her chest. liv nodded at her girlfriend and then began to pull out a cigarette pack from her pocket and light one, bringing it to her lips. adri motioned for one as well. 

adrienne never smoked, i mean she only did when olivia was, but even then, she didn't do it often. only when she was nervous or tired, or even anxious. she felt all of those things while waiting outside the club. she was excited but, angry because of what had happened at her apartment with liv. all she wanted was to forget what happened and have a good time with her friends and her girlfriend that night, however things went differently, very very differently. and not in the good way. . .

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