An Unsettling:

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I sat on my throne once again. Just days after the arrest my entire kingdom knew of my decision. Many were appalled at what their councilman had done. However, quite a few were unhappy with me. The Ill feelings are what set the mood for this particular meeting.

"My King. You know I adore you and I have always stood by your side."

Lord Flannigan started with his usual opening. "But, I cannot help but be slightly disturbed. You arrested one of your best advisors."

I sighed. "Yes. I did that. That elf has shamed his family with his behavior and hurt your Queen. Is that not deemed punishable?"

Flannigan stood still while appearing deep in his thoughts. "Yes My Lord. Harming another elf, especially royalty, is a punishable offense."

Another member stood up. "Why should he know?"

I looked over at him and cocked an eyebrow. "I've been King for 500 years and no one has filed a complaint."

"I would." He stated. "I would like to call out the King."

I stood. "Let's hear it."

The elf went stiff and sat back down.

"That's what I thought."

My blood was coursing through my veins as I walked back to my chambers. I threw open my chamber doors which made my poor wife jump.

"Bad day?" She asked.

"Sometimes I really hate people."

Ally looked away and turned back to the shelf she was organizing. I think I hurt her feelings.

I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Not you love, never, ever you." I whispered and peppered her ears with soft kisses.

She turned and looked up at me. "I should hope not. You're stuck with me for eternity."

"And that my dear, is one of my greatest blessings."

I spent that afternoon pouring over maps and forms for my military. Trying to prevent myself from teaching a lesson to a few elves.


I tucked Legolas into his bed and blew out the candle. After that I walked back to my room where Thranduil was sitting on the sofa. He had his head leaning on his hand and his blue eyes staring into the fire. I sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder. Thranduil turned and kissed me. I leaned into him while he moved his hands up my waist. He scooped me up in his arms before moving us into the next room.

The Kingdom was alive with an excited buzz. When we woke up the next morning, the elves were racing about. It was the day of the annual meeting when elves from all over the Woodland realm would journey to the fortress. The King and I would have to give addresses, complaints and concern would be expressed. New laws the King made would be announced and a census would also be had. The great hall had been decorated and thrones were brought and put at the front. Today was also the day I would be presented as Queen. I wasn't dreading it anymore.

Thranduil walked up to the table where Legolas and I sat. He had two pieces of paper in his hands and appeared to be scanning them over.

"I don't believe this." He mumbled.

Legolas kept eating while I stood. "What is it?"

I tried to peek at the list.

"I'm being called out on usurping a child into marriage."

It Begins With Us: Thranduil FanficWhere stories live. Discover now