On our way

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Matt's POV

Today was going to be our first day on tour, we didn't have any shows or meetings tonight so we could just chill out and stuff. I can't wait to meet Chris.

Chris's POV

Today will be our first day and me and my friends are so excited I just can't believe what's happening to my life it's unbelievable! Nash was just finding putting the stuff in the car and then we would say bye to our parents then head to the airport, we will all be meeting up in Orlando,Florida and will be staying at hotel. Once we get to the hotel we will sort out who goes to which room since there are only three rooms that we all have to share. Also in a couple days carter will me coming I can't wait to meet him too he's so funny!

Nash's POV

We just finished packing and now we were heading to pick up Chris's friends then go to the airport when we got to one of her friends house two girls came outside but one stood out...Rory she was so gorgeous no let me re say that she was perfect I can't wait to get to know her and hopefully we can become friends or maybe something more then friends?

Hayes's POV

When we got to Chris's friends house they both came out but one of her friends, sammie was the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen why haven't I seen her before she was gorgeous I can't wait to get to talk to her and get to know her.

Chris's POV

When both of my friends came out I saw both Hayes and Nash in awe with them, they were just staring at them which if you ask me was pretty obvious that they were crushing on my best friends so I snapped by fingers in front of there faces and they just shook there heads and said what! Geez I was just trying to help not make a complete fool of them selfs. They both got in the car and Hayes and sammie would not stop taking to each other and same for Rory and Nash. I hope they hit it off they would make such cute couples but it was kind of awkward in the car because I was all silent just dividing in the road while they all talked (btw I was driving) . We finally got to the air port and took out all of our bags and then went to that room that you have to wait for your plane in, while we were there we bumped into a lot of fans some of them were actually really nice but others were total b****** I got a lot of you are so pretty are you dating any of the guys and then I got Ewwwww why is Nash and Hayes with these girls they could do way better. Some comments actually kind of hurt me and I could tell my friends looked hurt but we tried our best to hide it. Flight 81 Orlando Florida was called so we started to make out way to the plane. Rory and Nash sat next to each other and then Sammie hayes in another seat so I was sitting all alone until a boy about my age came up to me and asked if this seat was taken and I just shook my head and let him sit by me. I learned that his name was Sammy wilkinson and he was actually a pretty nice guy and extremely hot and apparently we were both going to Orlando Florida so maybe I would get to see him again, we ended up exchanging phone numbers that way we could keep in touch.

Rory's POV

I saw Chris talking to the guy sitting next to her and apparently Nash saw to because he just kept staring at them with anger in his face expression so I asked what was the matter with him

Nash's POV

I saw Chris talking to some guy sitting next to her and I just kept staring at them I was so angry right now then Rory snapped me out of my thoughts by asking me what was the matter. It's just that, that guy over there his name is Sammy and a lot of the guys from MagCon know him but he's a real player and I just don't want Chris to fall in his trap I would rather her date one of my friends from MagCon then him I replied.

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