Fourth of july

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Abby's POV
The next morning I was the first one to wake up and then I remembered that it was 4th of July. Guys! Guys wake up I yelled which did wake them up. What is it they all groaned. It's 4th of July I screamed again the. They all quickly got up and went to go get dressed in the van.

Chris's POV
I was so excited for tonight it will be so fun to have 4th of July at the beach. Right now I was in one of the vans changing with my friends and in the other van was were the boys were changing. I ended up wearing short shorts, a red white and blue tank top with my red vans, I only put on mascara and put my hair in a French braid. Sammie,Rory,Abby and I were wearing the exact same out fit and everything because we wanted to be twining. After we were all done getting ready we got out of the van and went to were the boys were all just talking. Since we woke up at like 12 it was already 2 so since we had our bikinis on under our clothes we all went down by the water and just had a great time running around,tackling each other a and splashing each other it was already 6 so we went back by the vans and set up another bonfire and put logs by it so we could sit then we got marshmallows,chocolate and graham crackers so that we could make snores and we also brought a mini BBQ so jack and taylor started to make us some hamburgers and hotdogs. While we were eating and sitting down on the logs Shane started to sing 'show you' I swear he was such an amazing singer it was like he was gifted. After that we brought out the fireworks that we brought with us and me and my friends just watched while the guys were the ones lighting them. At about 1:30 in the morning we were all so tired that we didn't even change, course carter wanted to make a fort so we all ended up sleeping in a fort. It was currently the next day and we all got up early so we could pack and get home before it gets dark. When we got to mine,Nash and Hayes house cameron insisted that we all have a huge sleepover but the only ones who could stay were,me,Rory,Sammie,Abby,Nash,Hayes, Matt,cam, But that was ok. When I woke up it was 2 in the afternoon,wow I must have been really tired, 30 min later the rest of the girls woke up and we all decided that we would go to the mall,we got ready and then we left a note that way they would know we're we are and wouldn't freak out then we got in the car and drove to the mall. After shopping at forever 21,Aeropostale,Hollister,Claire's and the vans store we were just heading out but then we had to go to the bathroom, as we walked in the bathroom no one else was there and then the next thing you know we were all stuffed it body bags and then thrown into what seemed like a trunk. When I woke up I was tied to a chair and so were Abby,Sammie and Rory I was so scared right now,and I could see that they were too. After about 5 minutes later two people walked in...Sammy and the girl from Twitter who I learned that her name was Britney. W-what d-d-do you want I stuttered?

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