Running away

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Matt's POV
After every one read the message on Twitter Chris said she wanted to go up in her room to be alone so we all just stayed down here in the living room.

Chris's POV
I really needed some time to think so I decided that I would go somewhere. I grabbed my backpack and put my phone and wallet in it but I turned off my phone so I wouldn't get those Twitter notifications then I grabbed my long board, but I would have to go out through the window that way no one could see me because I didn't want them worrying about me or following me I just needed some time to think on my own so I went out my window and started to ride down the street since there weren't a lot of cars.

Sammie's POV
Hey guys me and Rory are going to go check on Chris I said because she hasn't come down in over an hour when we made it to her room there was a note on the door that read "dear whoever is reading this, I have left for a little bit because I just need some time to think please don't worry about me.
After we read it I quickly took out my phone to try to call her but it went to voicemail. We then went back down stairs to go tell everyone else.

Chris's POV
After riding for about an hour I decided to go eat and take a break so I went into these woods that I would always go to when I needed to think. When I got there I saw two other people a boy and a girl....the boy looked exactly like Sammy and the girl looked the girl from Twitter. They started walking closer to me and then started to punch me and kick me as I fell to the ground, Sammy just kept laughing but the girl just said that she warned me to stay away from the boys. Please! Stop I cried out. Chris,Chris wake someone said while shaking my arm.

Matt's POV
It had been over an hour so I decided to go check up on her. When I walked into her room she was asleep but then she started to yell 'please,please stop' I quickly walked over to her and shook her arm a bit and tried to wake her up. She then woke up. What happened she asked, well after you saw those things on Twitter you went up to your room to go think.

Chris's POV
Oh thank god it was just a dream but for some reason that dream felt so real was it trying to tell me something I thought to myself. Right now I was scared to death.

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