The phone call...

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Chris's POV
Today was the day I get out of the hospital o was so excited to finally go home. The boys had continued to do there shows because they didn't want to let there fans down and I made them go, Rory and Sammie have stayed with me the whole time though. Matt came into the room, so how about that date he asked me with a smirk, of course what time I side getting up from the hospital bed and fixing my hair hoe about 5:30 dress casual but not too casual he told me then left. I was kind of excited for to night. Rory then came into my room. Chris guess what! She practically yelled but she had a reason to be excited, Nash asked me out and I said yes we are going on a date tonight I'm so excited she exclaimed. Oh cool I'm happy for you guys I said and then I told her about my date tonight with Matt then I asked her about Hayes and Sammie and she told me that they have been gone all day. Just then the door flew open with and excited and crazy sammie. Guess what just happend she said 'what' me and Rory said in sync...well hayes asked me out and I said yes we are going on a date tonight to said but mostly screened with joy. Wow we are all going on a date tonight I said. I was so happy for my two best friends and my brothers.

Nash's POV
I just got into Chris' room when my phone started to ring. It was someone unknown
---------phone convo
N=Nash U=unknown
N: hello?
U:hello so how's Chris?
N:who are you and how did you know about what happened to her
U: well since I was the one did it I think I should've known what happened
N:wait is this Sammy?
U: ding ding ding
N: you f******* idiot how could you do that to her she didn't deserve that your such an a** I hope you know your going to jail
U: good bye
------------end of phone convo-----------
Rory's POV
Nash just got off the phone with someone and is so mad. Nash what's wrong I asked him who was on the phone with you? Sammy, Nash basically mumbled but apparently Chris heard, What!!! I told him to stay away from us what does he want Chris said. I thought you were friends with him I asked. I was but then I started texting him and he wanted me to do drugs with him but I said no and for him not to text me anymore and then he said that I would regret saying that Chris said. Chris he's the one who stabbed you Nash said with tears in his eyes he's the one who freaking stabbed you he said once again. I already had Cam call the cops so he will get arrested and we won't have to worry about him any more Nash said.

Chris's POV
After that phone call and all that was over we all went back home Sammie and Rory came over to my house so we could get ready and help each other and Nash and Hayes went to Matt's that way we could get ready.

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