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Chris's POV
Sammie,Rory and I just finished getting ready, and it was 5:30 which was the time the boys were picking us up. (No they are not going on a triple date) first to come was Nash as soon as he saw Rory his jaw dropped tbh she did look really pretty. Nash had already texted me were they were going which was going to the music festival and then going out to dinner at her favorite restaurant but he told me not to tell because it was a surprise. After they left about 5 or 10 minutes later Hayes arrived, he told me earlier that they were going on a romantic boat ride then we're going to go meet up with Nash and Rory and go on a double dinner date at the restaurant. When Hayes opened the door he just stared at sammie and didn't say anything which was actually kind of cute so Sammie started giggling because he just kept staring at her. Alright Hayes take a picture it last longer so he did and then they left for their date. Exactly 5 minutes later someone knocked on my door, it was Matt he looked so cute in his button up and khaki shorts with his vans on. Wow you look could he said to me, thanks not to bad yourself I said back to him with a playful punch. Once I grabbed my phone we started walking down my drive way and when I was just about to open the door he opened it for me, he's such a cutie. I had no idea as to were we were going until we pulled up to an amusement park they were my favorite. As we were walking to the entrance our hands intertwined with each other just like they did the day at the....beach. That was one of the only things I could remember that happened that day with out people telling me and I'm glad that I did, the day at the beach was a day I would and wouldn't want to remember so I tried to remember the good things that happened that day. Once we got to the entrance Matt had already pre-paid (idk if you can actually do that but oh well) so we just walked right in. It was so cool in the evening because everything was lit up! Matt still grabbing my hand dragged over to the line for the Ferris wheel. Matt I'm scared of heights I wined, it's ok I will keep you safe he replied, he was so sweet and nice.

Matt's POV
We were next in line so we went up and say on the Ferris wheel chair. It started to move and I could tell Chris was scared so I put my arm around her and held her close to me. I noticed that she was getting cold and she didn't bring a jacket, here put on my jacket I told her t-thank you she said shivering, she was adorable. We were at the top when the Ferris wheel stopped. The man who was running it said on the speaker that it had stopped and we would be up here for about and hour or so Chris's eyes instantly went big. I was actually kind of glad it stopped because I would get to spend more time with her.

Sammie's POV
So far my date with Hayes was going great I think I was actually in love with him.

Rory's POV
The music festival was so fun I got to get to know Nash really well. Now we were going to meet up with Sammie and Hayes at the restaurant.

Hayes POV
I just got to the restaurant with sammie and then we rushed over to Rory and Nash. The waiter then brought us to our table I had such a great time. After we finished eating we all drove back to mine,Nash and Chris's house to go watch movies and cuddle.

Chris's POV
After about an hour of the Ferris wheel it started to move again and we got off, for the next 2 hours me and Matt had a great time just going on a bunch of rides he even won me a huge minion at the ball toss. After we were done and started to get tired we drove home as Matt was driving home we held hands. When we got home I saw that Hayes was asleep and Sammie was sleeping on top of him, awe I said to Matt then I saw on the other couch Nash was asleep on Rory, of course. So I decided to take a picture and post it on Twitter. By now I had about a couple hundred thousands followers because people have seen me with the guys and knew that I was friends with them. After I changed in my pjs Matt just narrowed some of Nash's and we both went to bed with Matt's arms wrapped around my waist.

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