My love

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Matt's POV
Today I was going home, I haven't seen Chris in a two days because everyone thought that it was best for me to wait till I'm recovered. Just then Chris walked in the room. I got up and we both walked toward each and hugged for about 3 minutes then let go the first thing I said was I'm sorry. It's ok she said. No it's not and I need to tell you what happened. Ok she said. Well the night of the party I was talking with some friends but someone spilled a drink on me and so I went in the kitchen to wash it off then a girl came in I didn't recognize her at first the. She gave me a drink and it kind of tasted funny so I asked why does this taste so funny and she said because I drugged you silly in flirty way and then she kissed me but I didn't kiss back then she let go and said that if I didn't kiss back she would do something bad to you then so I had to kiss back and then I remembered that she was the girl from Twitter so I stopped but it was to late and you had already seen I saw you run out of the kitchen with tears in your eyes. By now we were both crying and just hugged each other for a minute then I continued, so then I needed to think so left I didn't go to you because I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me when I went home I just sat and thought and then everything stopped but that's all that I remember I said. Then I just kissed her and she kissed back it lasted for about 2 minutes but then we both had to breath and she just smiled and I smiled back. We were know meeting everyone at the Griers and Chris's house because her mom came back and that way I could tell everyone what happened. When we got to the house me and Chris sat down on the couch in the living room with everyone else and I told them what happened. Then once I finished Chris's mom came down with Chad.

Nash's POV
So as you all no I am engaged with Chad Chris's mom spoke, and we are getting married in 2 months my dad said. We all went up to them and hugged them and the guys congratulated them. Now Chris will be my actual sister.
------------2 months later--------------
Hayes's POV
Today was my dads wedding day and I was so excited. Once we got to the beach which was were they were getting married I saw sammie she looked so pretty, I went up to her and we went to go see Nash and Rory.

Rory's POV
I was talking with Nash at the wedding when Sammie and Hayes came up to us and we all started talking.

Chris's POV
I was down standing up in front with the other bridesmaids and Chad and then my mom came walking down the aisle, she looked so beautiful.
----skip that long speech thing that they do----
You may now kiss the bride I heard the priest say and so they did. After all that we went into the dance room and had dinner and just danced for the rest of the time. I was so happy for my mom and Chad. After dancing and stuff my mom and Chad drive off to there honeymoon the airport first then to the Bahamas.
---------------the next day------------
I woke up I my bed next to Matt and on the floor was Sammie,Rory,Abby and the rest of the guys so I decided to go get ready for today because I usually take awhile to get ready. I first went down stairs and made myself a smoothie then went back upstairs, when I walked upstairs I saw Matt coming out of my room. Morning I said to him, morning beautiful he replied. By the time I finished my smoothie,brushed my teeth and picked out my outfit everyone was up and getting ready. After I finished getting ready everyone else was done so now we just had to decide what we were going to do. Everyone just stood there thinking and then I thought of a great idea, how about for the beach this weekend. yeah that sound fun everyone agreed, so we all started to pack.

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