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Matt's POV
Before the party was over I decided to just go home and think.think about what I've done. Think about how I'm going to fix it and if I'm going to fix it.

Sammie's POV
My he party just ended and we were all sitting in her room keeping her company. I felt so bad because if we didn't plan the party this probably would have never happened....

Taylor's POV
I was in Chris's room with everyone else. Guys I'm going to go talk to Matt and see what he's has to say,but for some reason this doesn't seem like something Matt would do doesn't it I asked? Everyone agreed with me even Chris she knew that he wasn't himself.

Matt's POV (sorry for going back and forth with the POV's)
I was just sitting on my bed and then everything judged stopped.

Taylor's POV
I was driving to Matt's house something wasn't right Matt's one of the nicest people I know he would ever no something like this. When I got to his house I knocked no answer I knocked again no answer I knocked one more time no answer so I tried to see if his door was unlocked and it was. I walked in and said Matt you home, no one answered I looked all around the house and he wasn't anywhere then I went to his bedroom and I saw him laying on the ground. I quickly dialed 911 and they said they were on there way then I texted the boys and girls and told them what happened and they said they were coming to but I told them just to meet me at the hospital.
---------------at the hospital-------------
Rory's POV
We just arrived at the hospital and Chris hasn't stopped crying. When we got inside we went up to taylor and he told us that he went to his house and saw him just laying on the ground.

Abby's POV
Taylor told us what happened and Chris just kept crying. Then the doctor came out. She asked if any of us were family members of Matthew Espinosa and Chris started to walk over then the doctor asked who she was to him and she said sister then she disappeared into Matt's room with the doctor.

Chris's POV
I walked into the room with the doctor and saw Matt laying the lifeless and abnormally skinny and pale. Then the doctor spoke I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself but I'm Dr. Murray she said. I'm Chris I aid shaking her hand. It seems that Matt has had an overdose on heroine and got drunk but he will be okay in about two days. It all made so much sense now that's probably why when that girl kissed he kissed back. After I stayed with Matt I went back to tell the others what happened. Guys the doctor told me what happened I said. What happened they all said in sync, well he had an overdose on heroine and then got drunk but he will be okay in 2 days. They all started to ask questions about how he overdosed and maybe if someone put the drugs in in his drink.

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