Chapter 5

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Dacry's POV

"Daddy! Uncle Jason! Aunt Liz! I missed you so much!" I yelled as i ran giving each of them a big hug.

"My sweet, how are you? I missed my girls. How was your mother anything with the baby?" he asked.

"No Dad we're all good. Dinner is ready we made lasagna so hurry up I'm starving."

"When aren't you hungry munchkin?" Asked Jason.

"I'm not a munchkin Uncle Jase and the answer is never" I answered while sticking my tongue out at him."

"You'll always be my munchkin Darc"

"Whatever, come on we have important things to discuss." He raised an eyebrow in question but I just mouthed Later.

While everyone was finishing up their food I decided to bring up Dom. "So Uncle Jason, Aunt Liz I have a few questions about mates." The whole table was surprised at my questioned but Liz quickly asked what I wanted to know. "Well what exactly are they?"

"They are your soulmate Darling, the one that completes you, who makes everything better by just being there and loving you. The one person who would walk through fire for you and die protecting you. And do everything in their power to see them their other half happy. When you first see them its like time stops and only you two exist sparks fly literally when you touch. The connection is so strong and pull to be with them is stronger." She explained looking at Jase and blushing when he kissed her temple bringing her close to his side.

"What brought this up baby?" asked my mom."Well, uh I think I might have a mate."

"WHAT!" shouted my dad and Jase simultaneously."Why do you think that" asked Liz as she pulled back Jase to his seat.

"I might have met him when I accidently ran over him the other day"

"You  were in a accident Darcy!" shouted my mom.

"Let me tell you what happened relax I'm okay." After explaining they all sat back in their seats with shocked expressions; never expecting this.

"I think you're right Darcy. I'm so happy for you!" Liz congratulated me while getting up to hug me.

"Thanks Liz."

Everyone had smiles around the table which chased away my nervousness, of course they'd be happy for me I don't know why I was stressing so much. "What does this make him? I don't think he's a vampire." " He might be a Werewolf that's the only other option Munchkin."

" A Werewolf." Saying it felt right like if  my body knew automatically.

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