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"WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?" I was caught Wu Xie told himself he was about to run away when Zhang Qi ling tightly grip one his left arm Wu Xie scream in pain " let go of my hand it hurts" Wu Xie whines but Zhang Qi ling didn't let go of his arm instead he pulled Wu Xie until he came face to face with him and then asked him again "Why are you following me?" Wu Xie can't find the right words to explain its like his tongue is tangled up "I'm not following you im just passing by" Wu Xie reasoned out Zhang Qi ling don't believe him but he just let it go then said " is that so?" Then Wu Xie answered " yes" slowly Zhang Qi ling loosen his grip to Wu Xie hands but before he let go of his hand he told him " if i will caught you following me again i swear your peaceful day will be over, understand?" Qi ling threatened him and all Wu Xie can do is nod after that Zhang Qi ling left.

Sneak peek again HEHHE

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