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Wu Xie pov

"Class is suspended? What ami going to do now? I don't want to go home yet." I sighed and gathered my stuffs and went out of the classroom. I was roaming around the hallway aimlessly until i saw him over a bench he was readinga book. I was so curious about Zhang Qi Ling so I quietly went over the bush and watch his every move. "Zhang Qi ling!" I heard someone calling him. I saw him sighning deeply as he tried to ignore her "Zhang Qi Ling! You can't just ignore me all the time!" The girl said angrily to him "What do you want A-ning?" He asked coldly and raise an eyebrow to her. 'A-ning? I heard a rumor about her' I said to myself. 'She was going after him since her was freshman year-' "You" that girl named A-ning confidently said. "To bad I don't want you" He said harshly to her. Then he got up left the girl alone. 'Damn that was harsh' I mumbled then get out of there as well.

Zhang Qi Ling pov,

I was sitting on one of the bench in the school field, when I heard a rustle through the bushes I saw a figure of a guy. 'Stalker?' I asked myself I was about to look who it was when I heard someone calling my name "Zhang Qi ling!" I cursed inside my mind 'what rhe fuck is she doing here? Ughh! So annoying' I said inside my head. I just ignored her as I packed my bag when she "Zhang Qi Ling! You can't just ignore me all the time!" Shouted at me i was getting impatient "What do you want A-ning?" I asked her coldly hoping she would get the message that I don't want to talk to her. "You" she replied tome flirtatiously I was so disgusted "To bad I don't want you" I told her and left her not interested in her reply but before I completely left the field I took a last glance at the bush and saw a guy, but not just a guy he was... how could I describe him. He was so pretty i saw him mumbling to himself as he shook his head and got from the bush and slowly left there I chuckled 'cute' I said inside my mind. "We will meet face to face soon my pretty stalker" I said to myself as i smirked widely and continue to walk out of the field.

Ayoo I almost forgot about this story.

Here is a short update for you guys

Yours truly,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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