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Wu Xie pov
Hi my name is Wu Xie im 19 years old, first year college student at Tsinghua University where I'm going to pursue my career as architect.

It was my first day of school today. I went to the dean's office to get my schedule for my classes after getting my schedule the dean told me to go to the gymnasium for the welcome event for the new students if you're going to ask me I don't want to go at the gymnasium but the dean himself told me to go so i need to. I was walking to the hall way making my way to the direction that the dean told me to go.

I'm busy admiring the view when a group of college students running into my direction and then one of the college student pushed me then my head bump into the wall too hard that I started to feel dizzy so I touch my head and i feel something wet so i looked at my hand and saw a blood. I was getting my things on the floor so that i can go to infirmary to get my wound on my head get treated, when I noticed that my glasses are missing.

I'm busy looking for my eyeglasses when someone handed it over to me i thanked the person and then got up and I bowed and thanked the person again and then i left.

I forgot that I'm just new here so I don't know where the infirmary is so I wondered around until i saw a guy sitting one of the benches so i went where he's sitting then i said " hi, can i ask you a question?" Then he looked at and said " sure, what do you want to ask?" I smiled and i was abou to ask the direction when he dramatically gasped and then asked " What happened to you? Why's your head bleeding? Did someone pushed or you bumped into something?" He keeps on asking questions after questions that i can't even answer him then i raised my hand so he stop talking and i said " well i was about to go to gymnasium for the welcome party of the university for the new students, when a group of students was running into the direction where i was walking then someone pushed me and I bumped my head into wall." I explained then he said " why didn't you say so let's go to infirmary before you loose all your blood." He said then drag me to the left side of the hallway.

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A little update~

Bare with me for a while I know it's kida lame but this my first book~

Sorry grammatical errors english is not my first language.

Short chapter~

Yours truly,
Linnea wc

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