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Wu Xie Pov

When I reached the library I hurriedly went to the section where all math books are. After 3 minutes of looking I already saw the book i was looking for went to the librarian and hand her my borrowing card. After 30 minutes of walking I arrived at my first class, Im relieved because the teacher hasn't arrived yet so i went to my seat and wait for the class to start.

"Goodmorning class" the teacher greeted "please settle down so that we can start our class" she asked politely, everyone settled down and the class starts smoothly. Halfway through our lesson someone knocked on the door, half my classmates are whispering and others specially girls are giggling. "Class quite down please." The teacher said " Zhang Qi Ling what brought you here?" The teacher asked the unexpected guest " the dean just asked me to inform you that all class are suspended by a sudden meeting all teacher's needs to attend." He replied coldly "is that so, please inform them that i will be in the meeting in 10 minutes i just need make sure the class won't do anything that will harm them. Thank you for informing me" our teacher answered. "Will do" he replied then left. His name is Zhang Qi Ling he seems colder to others, how thus this concerns me anyways. I need to listen to the lecture now "class suspended everyone, please go home safely." The whole class cheered when they heard the news from our teacher "class dismissed" the teacher said then after gathering her things she left.

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