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So the guy continue to drag me until we reached the infirmary, when we entered the infirmary he then shouted " nurse!" Then the nurse screamed due to how loud his voice is, then the nurse said " you scared me! Why are you screaming?" She asked and then he replied " well his head is bleeding can you treat him?" He said while pointing at me then the nurse said " you don't need to scream like that next time." She scolded him and then told me to sit on of the bed.

When the nurse finished cleaning my wound she told me to stay for a while to have some rest. I did what she told, after sometime I dozed off to sleep, when i woke up the who guy helped me already left I didn't have a chance to thank him for bringing me to the infirmary.

After 2 more hours laying in the bed I decided to leave so i went to the her desk where she is sitting and then thanked her for treating my wound and before i left she hand me a letter and she said that i need to show it to my teacher. When i looked at the time it's already 10:30 it means i skipped two of my classes and I'm running late for my third class which is Geometry i looked at my schedule paper and i saw "room 4-1 third floor building A".

After reading that i rushed where the building A is and run trough the hallway until I reached the elevator and then pressed the going up button while waiting for the elevator to open I catch my breath when the elevator door opened i went inside and then press the the third floor button after I reached the third floor i looked for my room when was in front of the the door i fixed my clothes first and then knocked.

The door the was opened by my Geometry teacher she then smiled at me and said "Why come in mr. Wu Xie i was waiting for you to arrive" then she cleared her throat to get everyone one attention then she told me to introduce myself i cleared my throat then I introduced myself after I introduced myself, then my teacher told me to seat at the very end of the first row.


STALKER (ZHANG QI LING X WU XIE)Where stories live. Discover now