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Zhang Qi Ling pov

Fuck! She is one of the reason why I don't want to stay at school. I said to myself.

A-ning a nurse student who keeps following me around because i help her once when she is getting harassed.

~time skip~

It's already 7:30 in the evening i was in our kitchen cooking my meal for tonight when i got a phone call from an unknown number "hello?" I answered "who is this?" I asked "zhang-ge it's me a-ning" the caller answered " how did she got my number?!" I asked to myself "what do you want?" I asked in a cold tone " I just want to ask if you're free this weekend?" She asked " No, I am busy. If you want just ask someone else." Then i hanged up. I already bought 3 sim cards this week because of her.

I was walking my way on my first class when I bumped into someone " I'm sorry" he apologized then bent down to collect his scattered papers I bent down also to help him collect the paper then when we stood up i handed the papers to him and I also apologized "I'm sorry too." The guys lift his face to then smiled to me " it's okay i was not looking on my way too, and thank you for helping me, bye."He said then left.

Wu Xie pov

I was in a hurry because I want to go to the library before I go to my first class i still have 1 hour, I was looking at my wrist watch to see the time when I bumped into someone again what's with me bumping into someone everytime i am in a hurry? I asked myself, I apologized then bent down  pick up my papers that got scattered. He also get down to help me collect the papers when we stood up he handed my papers then also apologized atleast he knows how to apologize. I told myself then i lifted my head then smile to him said it's okay then thanked him then i continue to walk to library. He is handsome. I said to myself and proceeds to go in the library.

STALKER (ZHANG QI LING X WU XIE)Where stories live. Discover now