"Who said life was easy?"

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Lover girl episode ||1||: Damn I really hate this job I can't wait until I find another one I'm so sick of these rude ass customer coming in here with a nasty ass attitude when is this shift ever going to end let me check the time (5:26am) what the fuck type of shit is this welp at least my shift is almost up I can't wait to go home an get ready to go to sleep I'm exhausted Damn! here comes a customer I hope he doesn't come with the bullshit.

Aurora: Hey how are you ?
Customer: I'm Good how about you ?
Aurora: I'm doing ok just ready to get off is this all for you sir?
Customer: yes
( Rings up items)
Aurora: Your total is $20.86
Customer: here you go
Aurora: here's your change do you need -
Interrupted by another customer
Customer #2: ma'am do y'all bathroom work
Aurora: yes ma'am it works it's open go ahead an use it baby you good
Customer #2: Thank you
Aurora: I'm so sorry sir do you need the receipt?
Customer: no thank you have a great day
Aurora: Thank you an you to

Ok maybe today might be a good I wonder if I still gotta blunt to smoke at home shit I hope I do so it can calm my nerves for the day. I wonder what I'm finna get into today I don't know if I wanna go be with the gang today or stay my ass at home or what all I know is I don't want to be inside fuck it imma just go be with gang hopefully they punk ass call me they never call me when I wanna pop out like wdf I be tryna be outside I'm to bad to not be outside like the hood niggas love me I just wanna do sum fun

Customer #2: Thank you
Aurora: your welcome

I really hope I go out I been in the house for a week all I ever do is work it's never an ending story an I'm starting to back slide again I just wanna get out of being depressed an a socially awkward introvert but I get so caught up with my thoughts that I don't see whats really happening to me I lost 4 pounds this week this shit is getting out of hand I really need to find something that takes my mind off of thinking so much my damn head starting to hurt I honestly can't believe I worked 7 days straight I'm working like I got kids an im on section 8 with 6 baby daddies it absolutely makes no sense I need a good drunk night with gang an just pure vibes that's all I'm asking for is that so bad to ask I miss drinking alcohol -

Interrupted by a customer
Aurora: Hey how are you?
Customer #3: .....
Aurora: " inner thoughts " see this the shit I'm not finna do because I'm being nice
Aurora: your total is $5.36
Customer #3: gives money
Aurora: gives change
Aurora: you need a receipt?
Customer: walks away

See the disrespectful shit Jacksonville gotta do better frfr because this not it rude ass motherfuckers who would raise somebody like that

Incoming FaceTime call

Like why be rude who calling my phone oh shit it's the gang period wishes have been answered

Answers FaceTime call

Aurora: heyyyyyyyh yalllll
Gang #1 : wassup rah
Gang# 2 : waspoppin gango
Gang#3:   Bitch you at work ?
Gang# 4: hey rah
Aurora: Soooooooo we poppin out tonight or what ?
Gang#1: shidddd I'm down for whatever you already know I'm on the scene
Gang#2: I'm slidin thru you already know
Gang#3: you know I'm steppin
Gang#4: I'm coming
Aurora: good I need a night out frfr I been working I wanna have fun
Gang#1: shit we can pop out to this party
Aurora: who party bruh?
Gang#3: right an we anit know about it
Gang# 1: This nigga from the Southside
Aurora: ayeeeee the big dick ballers oh period I'm definitely finna go shopping for a fit
Gang#4: you gotta be talking about what's his name
Aurora: who's what's his name ?
Gang#1: you'll see
Gang#2: don't be trying to set rah on no blinded date tf
Aurora: exactly like who said I wanted a relationship?
Gang#1: just chill bruh I'm just trying to help my dawg out with a lil tinder
Gang#2: bruh fuck all that is we going to this party or not so I can be ready
Gang#1: yeah everybody need to be ready at 8pm so we can all meet at Rah house then slide to the party
Aurora: igh bet gango it's lit tf
Gang#1: igh bye gang
Gang#2: bye gango
Gang#3: bye bitches
Gang#4: bye hoes
Aurora: bye punks asses
Ends FaceTime call

Finally finna go turn up but I'm trying to figure out who is "what's his name " an why gang tryna put me on a blinded date I never said I wanted to be in a relationship me in a relationship is like pulling teeth they never work what so ever like the last guy I was with broke my heart into pieces an shit just never got better after that I'm not ready for a relationship let me check the time (7:00am) hot damn I'm off finally I'm off but damn let me go home an go to sleep for some hours then go shopping for a fire ass fit an I might go get my nails done an then go get food lemme gone head an clock out finna go shake this ass on them rich niggas

Walks to time clock gets in car
Drives home

Home sweet home time to light my candles an get in the shower an go to sleep let me set the tone

Aurora: Alexa play brent fiyaz- around me
Alexa: playing brent fiyaz- around me
Music plays

Time to light the blunt in get high this blunt was well needed long day at work girl but I'm still trying to figure out who is " what's his name " ? damn which one of my hoes know my homeboy? Did I really just sit here an got caught lacking I need to figure this shit out
~Lights blunt~
This shit is crazy because who could it be i rather not name my hoes because it's so many of them an I can't be so foe bothered with naming them because they all anit shit fr just be doing dumb shit for no reason at all like what's the point in even trying they are actually the ones that taught me not to wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes down to fucking with niggas here in Jacksonville , Jacksonville is like a walking std town where everybody fucking on somebody it's to small it feel like the scene from 35 an tricking like everybody here anit nun but a bunch of tricks an hoes doesn't make no since at all every nigga here gotta baby momma or side piece, fuck buddies like who tf has times for that I don't because umm honey this Ph balance need to be on point at all times this million dollar pussy period I'm not giving no nigga no pussy if he got all that going on miss me with the bullshit if I ever fall inlove I want my man to be tall, nice ,darkskin with golds an tattoos that got money an goals set in life I understand I'm only 16 baby don't let the age fool ya the niggas love me period but it's not like I can't find my mr.right because all these niggas played doesn't make sense an this mf party better be lit or I'm leaving not finna waste my time at all
~Gets out of shower~

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