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Lover girl episode || 10 ||: I can't believe I'm about to do this Aurora just focus stick to your plan an no one will get hurt just surrender then kill this should be easy right lemme just say a quick prayer to cover all of us dear Heavenly Father please protect me an my friends through this troubling time amen

Aurora: alright Alex when we get to avenues d I need you to pull over on the side of the road an let me walk to the ship yard to make it seem like I came by myself

Alex: you sure your ready to do this ?

Aurora: yeah why wouldn't I be

Alex: idk you just seem like you got this shit all figured out

Aurora: I do have this shit figured out it's my parents fault anyway that I'm in this mess

Alex: you do have a point

Aurora: of course I do

~ makes groupchat~
Aurora: alright when we get to avenue D I'm going to get out on the side of the road an walk to the ship yard yall are going to park y'all cars where y'all can see me very good an turn off y'all cars an lights an I'm going to give y'all a signal which is my flash on my phone that's the signal for y'all to come an get this shit poppin

Kai: alright
Rondabigdawg: alright rah
Aurora: everybody stay close an alert
~Stops texting in the groupchat~

Aurora: alright let me out right here I'm gonna walk up there you go find a spot where you can see me
Alex: rah I love you be careful
Aurora: I love you to kid
~Aurora gets out the car~
-Walking into the shipyard-

I don't see nobody but this weird looking car that's it is this where I need to be ? I feel like this is a set up something not right I'm about to signal the boys to come in so we can get this shit over with my life is ruined because of this shit

Anonymous voice: well well well your much prettier in person

Aurora: come to the light an show yourself

Anonymous voice: I'll come to the light so you can see me little momma

Aurora: Deja is that you

Anonymous voice: funny no

Aurora: who are you an how do you know me
Anonymous voice: I saw an amazing money opportunity but they didn't tell me this opportunity was pretty

Aurora: come to the light an show yourself this wasn't apart of the deal

~Anonymous voice steps to the light~

Holly shit it's Deja's dad that's behind this shit this son of a bitch I'm about to signal the boys to come this shit just blew me

Anonymous voice: hello aurora

Aurora: it's no hello being said back to you or your creepy ass daughter what the hell

Anonymous voice: you did say I can have you instead of the money your father stole from me I'm just hear to get my get back

~Aurora signals~

Aurora: so you think this was the best way for your old ass to get your get back is this you've threatened my life you son of a bitc-

Ron: Aurora where are you?
Alex: Aurora!!
Aurora I'm right here
Ron: what you good
Aurora: looks who's behind this
Alex: who tf are you
Ron: that's Deja's father
Alex: anit this bout a bitch
Anonymous voice: we have more friends to add to our little party huh aurora?
Aurora: fuck you
Anonymous voice: to bad there both about to die
Ron: man fuck yo-
Alex: Ronnn oh shit

Kai: see brother you had the prefect chance to make money
Aurora: Kai your in this to
Kai: of course to make money your life was never important to me
Ron: you foul asf
Kai: Aurora aren't you going to surrender no-
-Alex shoots Kai -
Alex: Ron get up an get aurora out of here
Ron: I'm shot in the shoulder
Aurora: I'm not leaving I'm gonna handle this
~Aurora shoots Deja's father~

Aurora: this is for me , this is for my family , this is for your money bitch

Alex: rah that's enough his dead we gotta get outta here

Aurora: ok

~As Aurora an Alex help Ron to the car~

Alex: nigga shut up it's just a spider bite pussy
Aurora: get in let's go I'm driving
~ To Be Continued ~

Lover Girl vol.1Where stories live. Discover now