"What now?"

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Lover girl episode || 5||: ~ Deja walks in the bathroom an noticed Ron an Aurora ~

Deja: what the hell Ron
Ron: it's not what it looks like Deja!
Aurora: I kissed him not him kiss me
Ron: see it's not what you think happened wait why are we explaining ourselves to you an me an you aren't together
Deja: it doesn't matter I'm still inlove with you Ron
Aurora: how are you going to be inlove with Ron when you fucked Alex ? You ruined my relationship
Deja: I did you a favor Alex said that he wasn't happy with you anymore
Aurora: oh really he did thank you for telling me
Deja: no problem
Ron: you should have never told her that Alex is here at the party
Deja: oh shit

~Aurora storms out the bathroom~
- Aurora feels a hand on her shoulder she turns around a it's Kai-
Kai: where are you going lil thot pocket why were you in the bathroom with my step brother
Aurora: excuse me I don't owe you an explanation on why I was in the bathroom with your "step brother " an who tf is your step brother ?
Kai: Ron smith
Aurora: Lmaoo stop playing that's not true Ron would of told me that your his step brother
- Aurora hears Ron an Deja screaming her name -
Aurora: I've never asked you in a million years to do this again but take me home with you I'm over this party kai please take me home with you now
Kai: Aurora I gotcha come let's go to my car
Aurora: thank you
~ Aurora an Kai walk out of the party to kai's car~
Aurora: damnnnnn Kai your car nice asf is this a track hawk ?
Kai: how did you know?
Aurora: I told you I have eyes an ears everywhere

Yeah what an amazing fucking night I kissed Ron, Ron out of all people ughh I'm so fucking stupid but he kissed me first what was I supposed to do but Ron has never kissed me on the lips the least he'll do is kiss my hand not only that this funky bitch Deja just told me that Alex wasn't happy with me then why is Alex doing all of this for it he wasn't happy with me I'm not a second opinion when shit gets hard for him that's not fair to me or my heart I really loved Alex with all of my heart I just want to be alone at this point because I don't know what to believe I can't believe Ron been lying to me

Kai: you have people watching me?
Aurora: I wouldn't say only just you it's multiple people
Kai: what are you a mob boss
Aurora: ofc not I run these street nothing moves without my ok
Kai: so your a mob boss technically no wonder why you keep a low profile
Aurora: it's just a family business that's all
Kai: is that why you live alone with no family
Aurora: my family is protected an I am to I didn't choose to live by myself you know
Kai: ahhh I see you just grew up to fast now your hot in the ass
Aurora: just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't handle myself in situations
Kai: oh ok so that makes you grown Aurora you know this is not what I'm talking about
Aurora: I know what your talking about an I don't want to get into it
~Kai grabs Aurora's face~
Aurora: Kai let go of my face
Kai: no your going to listen to me your in my presence
Aurora: Kai your hurting my face
Kai: I'm inlove with you Aurora I can't get over the fact how beautiful you are
Aurora: umm let go of my damn face before I smack the shit outta you
Kai: oh shit my bad Aurora
^ No Caller ID^
Aurora: Hello
No caller ID: is this Aurora I'm watching you
Aurora: who are you?
^No caller ID hangs up^

First tf is going on who tf does Kai think he is grabbing my face like that got my mouth on lock jaw like I'm a damn dog or sum shit knock his ass tf out he'll be the next motherfucker with a knot on his head the fuck out of all places to grab my face he could of choked me or sum an WHO THE FUCK IS WATCHING ME DID I GET CAUGHT LACKING HARD ASF anit no way someone watching me

Kai: is everything ok?
Aurora: someone called me no caller ID saying they watching me
Kai: who do you think it is ?
Aurora: I have no idea let's get out here I can't go home now until I get in touch with my family about this
Kai: you can crash at my place for a bit until everything is clear for you
Aurora: thank you Kai

^imessage from Ron Big Dawg^

Ronbigdawg: where the hell are you I'm coming to get you drop your lo now before I start to show my ass
Aurora: I'm with your step brother
Ronbigdawg: who told you? I'm coming to get you, I'm not letting you be around him let me explain
Aurora: you lied to me multiple times your the less person I would expect to lie to me about this
Ronbigdawg: just let me come get you please just let me Explain Aurora
Aurora: I'm going to his house Im probably sure you've been there
Ronbigdawg: I'll be there in 5 mins
Aurora: k
^ End of IMessage conversation ^

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