How the tables have turned

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Lover girl episode || 9 ||: what's the point of me being in witness protection when I should've been the only option to any of these people I just want to go home safe an forget any of this ever happened I'm so lost none of this making since it's like I can't trust anyone everyone is Against me this is the time I grow a pair of balls an see who really is causing all of this in my life

Kai: rah let's go it's safe for you to go into witness protection for the night tomorrow we are just going to have to come up with a plan

Aurora: first off who am I going into witness protection with?

Kai: just some friends we know that nobody will ever look for you

Ron: trust us please we are only trying to help you

Aurora: if you want to help me we are going to do it my way an my way only this is my life I have to stay alive I have shit to do this ransom shit has nothing to do with me

Alex: fine we'll do it your way but I want you to be careful an not do something stupid

Aurora: alright now that we all are on the same page this is the plan I'm going to wait an see if the no caller ID calls back when they do call back I'm going to surrender but y'all jobs are to be right behind the car that comes when I surrender y'all are going to shoot out the back tires this will make them slam on breaks when they slam on break Ron you hop infront of the car drive slow Alex your going to be in behind of the car you ran it from the back Kai your job is to call the police tell them a kidnapping just happened you stay on the phone no matter what you give them the location where we are y'all got it ?

Kai: when tf did you come up with this plan?

Alex: who tf are you federal agent?

Ron: shit I fuck with the plan but I anit to happy I gotta be in the front of the car blocking them

Aurora: when I came up with this plan is when I stopped letting y'all dictate what's going to happen to me

Damn this plan sound good but the only thing I didn't tell them in the plan when I mean I'm going to surrender I'm going to end up killing who ever is behind this an little does Alex know you should never leave your gun in a glove department where someone can take it but hopefully I come out of this alive an everyone else does I just want all of this to end because I'm tried of running

Alex: we weren't dictating what happens to you we were only trying to make sure your safe an alive

Kai: yeah but since you came up with this plan it's only right I go along with it

Ron: I'm already down

Aurora: I'm thankful y'all were trying to do this but I gotta find out for myself who it is behind this

Alex: what do we do now

Aurora: nigga is you serious we are going to shit here an wait for them to call me so everybody get back in there cars an hide them where you can see me at all times I'm going to go in the store

Alex: yeah I was dead ass got little confused

Aurora: ALEX RN isn't the time for shits an fucking giggles why in the hell did you even say that shit when you know-

~Incoming call from no caller ID~
Aurora: hello?
No caller Id: well about time I hear that pretty little voice of yours
Aurora: it's not nice to hear yours
No caller id: are you ready to give me what I want
Aurora: an that is?
No caller id: MY FUCKING MONEY
Aurora: well sorry to tell you I don't know what money your talking about but you can have me instead
No caller id: have you instead?
Aurora: yes you can have me for the place of the money
No caller id: deal I'm going to send someone for you meet at the avenue D go to the ship yard come alone
~No caller Id hangs up~

Alex: who was that?
Aurora: no caller id
Ron: so what was said
Kai: yeah what Ron said
Aurora they told me to meet them at avenue D at the ship yard an that I need to come alone
Alex: fuck no your not going by yourself
Ron: what's the plan now
Kai: you gotta be shitting me rn
Aurora: the plan stays the same we just gotta go to avenue D an see where the ship yard is an scope it out an see where y'all are going to sit I'm going to butt dail Ron by accident so he can hear everything going on which means put yourself on mute as soon as I call you

Ron: alright we out thenAurora you know what to do keep your mind focused

Alex: alright I love you keep your head up at all times be aware of your surroundings

Kai: Aurora take my car I'll go with Alex

Aurora: alright let's go settle this shit

~To be continued~

Lover Girl vol.1Where stories live. Discover now