"Alex & Aurora"

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Lover girl episode || 7 ||: This shit is getting ridiculous I can't believe anyone now nothing is making sense I gotta text my parents an let them know I'm being watched I was suppose to be kidnapped by my childhood bestie an ex boyfriend who ever said life is easy is a damn lie life is hard
Alex: Aurora, Aurora,Rah

Alex: listen I'm sorry Aurora about doing all of that at the party embarrassing you like that I had a little bit to much to drink seeing you with Ron made me feel like I will never have that love I had for you again

Aurora: I don't accept your apology at all because you had your chance with me you ruined it when you decided to sleep with Deja an also your little girlfriend told me what you said asshole I did everything right

Alex: that's fine you can hate my guts an I didn't decide anything I just felt like Ron was the guy of your dreams so I slept with Deja to piss you off an notice me an what did she say to you

Aurora: you think me an Ron are dating we are not Ron takes care of me an makes sure I'm straight something you couldn't do you were so worried about keeping up with you "street nigga " reparation you forgot about us Alex

Alex: you don't think I take care of you I was inlove with you if I didn't take care of you wouldn't be wearing those black cats an what did Deja tell you

Aurora: you think I care about material things I don't care about that all I wanted was for you to spend time learn me as a person fall inlove with the real me but you have this nasty ego spirit about you an Deja told me that you weren't happy with me an more

Alex: thank you for finally opening up to me I did fall inlove with the real you just because I brought you nice things doesn't mean I never wanted to spend a second learning you an I only told her that because the way you would look at Ron instead of me

Aurora: you only cared about you because I'm the weird girlfriend right an me an Ron have nothing going on his is my best friend

^ iMessage notifications ^
Ronbigdawg: you ok?
Aurora: yes
Ronbigdawg: what he talking about?
Aurora: us "secretly dating "
Ronbigdawg: huh?
Aurora: Alex thinks me an you are dating
Ronbigdawg: we have nothing going on I just care about you
Aurora: I told him that
Ronbigdawg: jhit needa chill nobody hitting that lil pussy yet
Aurora boy stop playing with me this million dollar pussy an where are y'all I don't see y'all cars
Ronbigdawg: Lmaoo I'm jp jhit an we are two cars behind y'all
Aurora: ok
^end of iMessage conversation ^

I'm just flabbergasted by this who thing with me an Alex I'm still inlove with him I just want him to know I don't care about material things all I care about are the memories an time we spend together he is what makes me happy but our bond slowly faded away because of so many people interfering with us we lost sight of our love we have for each other now he hates my guts an I hate his but I'll always be there for the kid his a sweet guy

Alex: Do you want to get food or get food an go to my place a just smoke a blunt an go to sleep together ?

Aurora: I'll take opinion two I would love to spend the night with you to get my mind off of a lot things

Alex: Alright ! Umm so do you want to go your favorite food place or just surprise you ?

Aurora: my favorite food place

Alex: alright apple bees here we come

Is it me or is Alex excited that we're spending time together or is this just an act which I can't figure out because my mind is so far gone

Aurora: can we stop a cop some tree or no?

Alex: we can who do you want to go to

Aurora: i want to go to Ron

Alex: Ron?

Aurora: yes Ron his the only one I trust

Alex: alright if you say so

^ iMessage open conversation to Ronbigdawg^

Aurora: Ron you got weed on you?
Ronbigdawg: yeah why wassup
Aurora: I'm finna cash app you I need a 7th
Ronbigdawg: ok so I'll follow you to Alex house are you staying the night with him ?
Aurora: alright thank you gango an yes I'm going to stay the night with Alex
Ronbigdawg: ight
^ end of iMessage conversation ^

*Alex pulls into Apple bees*

Alex: do you want to go in an eat or to go
Aurora: to go plz

Alex: You want your chicken blt with avocado slices an no onions or tomatoes a season fries an a small sprit an a small water with lemon wedge ?

Aurora: how did you remember that?

Alex: you never forget the true love of your life's good order !

Aurora: hmmm I see but yes that's what I want to eat

Alex: alright I'll be right back lock the doors when I get out !

^ iMessage notification^
Kai: Aurora I'm really sorry for lying to you do you forgive me I don't want to lose you or have you mad at me

Aurora: Kai you had a job to do I can't be mad at you at all I still care for you an Ron y'all are my favorite guys

Kai: Are you sure ? An why did we stop at Apple bees?

Aurora yes Kai I'm not mad an because a girl gotta eat

Kai: alright Ron said his coming up to the window so cash app him the money

Aurora: ok an tell him I only want a 7th

Kai: alright an you never get a 7th

Aurora: yes I do look at you lol
^ end of iMessage conversation ^

< cash apps Ron $70>
~Aurora hears a knock at the window~
Aurora: Ron you scared the shit outta me give me my 7th an I know you blessed my bag
Ron: gots to your my favorite girl
Aurora: Awww Ron your sweet an thank you now get away before you blow our plan
Ron: here's your wood Russian cream backwoods
Aurora: thank you
~Aurora rolls the window back up Ron runs back to his car~

I love the fact that I have guys that take care of me without wanting anything from me other than my attention an time that we spend together but this is so sweet

Alex: I'm back
Aurora: here give me the food I'll hold it
Alex: here ok next stop my house
Aurora: alright

~ Alex backs up an pulls out of apple bees parking ~

Aurora: can I turn on the radio?
Alex: you do got to ask
~Airplay Kevin gates -TTG
Alex: you ok are you cold?
Aurora: just Alil
Alex: I'm about to turn the heat on for you
Aurora: than-
^ iMessage notification ^
No Caller ID: I'm following you
Aurora: what do you want from me
No Caller ID: you I know exactly what car your in an who your with right now I wonder does Alex know you kissed Ron
Aurora who are you?

Aurora: Alex speed up rn now someone is following us
Alex: who?
Aurora: just speed I'll tell you later I have to call Ron rn

^ FaceTiming Ronbigdawg ^
Ron: ok I'm coming hang up an tell him to follow my lead
Aurora: ok

I can't believe this shit who is this person that keeps doing this shit I can believe it I'm just trying to enjoy the rest of my night with out the craziness

Alex: what's going on Aurora what do you mean I'm now in danger an you had this fuck ass nigga following

Aurora: yes I know I'll tell you everything just follow Ron's lead your in danger because of me

- Ron an Alex speeding to get away-

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