Witness protection ?

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Lover girl episode || 8 ||
Lover girl episode || 8 ||: - Ron an Alex turn off the expressway-
Alex: Aurora what the fuck is going on
Aurora: how am I suppose to explain this to you it's going to be hard for me
Alex: what the hell are you talking about?
Aurora: I'll tell you when we get off this exit to lose them
Alex: alright I see I gotta pull my gun out the glove compartment
Aurora: you have a gun in this bitch just one gun where the second one at I'll blast that bitch rn
Alex: just hold it you do know how to cock a gun back right?
-Aurora cocks gun back -
Aurora: anymore questions
~ incoming FaceTime from Kai ~
Kai: are y'all ok?
Aurora holds up a gun
Kai: the hell you doing with a gun
Aurora: to save my goddamn life
Kai: get off on exit 322a
Aurora: alright bet where we gone meet at?
Kai: circle K it's the most public place here just in case they try to kill you
Aurora: you just had to say the last part
Kai: I'm sor-
-Aurora hangs up on Kia-
Aurora: get off on this exit an go straight to circle k
Alex: alright but who you been around
Aurora: I watch you an Ron with y'all guys I'm not slow
Alex: alright lil mama
Aurora: turn right circle K right there
~ iMessage Notification From BigDawgRon~
Ron: rah you good?
Aurora: Just shaken up Alil I'll be igh tho
Ron: Get out so we can come up with a plan to keep your ass safe an out of harms way
Aurora: alright

I really can't believe I'm going through this I'm only 16 why do people wanna kill me like what did I do to deserve this shit all I got to damn say is these niggas better come up with a good ass plan to keep my ass alive to see 21 I had no clue my parents were this slimy now look at me finna be dead because of them lord let me see what this plan about to be

Alex: What's the move to keep her safe?

Ron: I mean I got a friend she can stay with I doubt anyone would find her

Aurora: who the hell the friend is?

Ron: rah just chill I'm not finna put you in the hands of someone I don't know

Kai: I mean she would have protection 24/7
Aurora: I'm not gonna ask again who's the friend

Alex: if we gone put her in the hands of your friend that means one of us gone have to sit out the house to make sure nobody comes in or out really the only option she has rn

Ron: oh most deftly I'm not gone take her anywhere an I'm not around must be out ya rabbit ass mind

Kai: I can give our friend a call rn an tell him we're otw there for a witness protection

I hate the fact they're talking in third person like I'm not standing in front of them but I need to know who this friend is before I totally commit to going with this plan I can't believe this shit what am I suppose to do in witness protection am I really a witness ? I think I'm more of a by stander that didn't ask to be a damn by stander at all my parents owe me an explanation for this because they fucking up my whole entire life it's like I can never move forward

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