Chapter 3

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It was a dreadful experience of explaining why I didn't have my english homework to Mrs. Brookes. An experience I never want to "experience" that again. My face was already on fire, and so was my stomach from embarrassment. It didn't help that Gale was was staring at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

I don't know if it was my hair or my eyes that seemed to draw his attention. Probably both, but his constant stares were starting to freak me out.

As soon as the bell rang, my friends abandoned me with ease and flocked over to Gale. I groaned. He was that popular already?

Gale flashed me a grin. He obviously knew I was a little maddened by friends gushing over him like he was the latest cell phone in a technology store.

I huffed and walked out, leaving my "friends" and Gale behind in a whirlwind of emotions.

I walked briskly across the linoleum floor, my hair billowing out behind me. I walked like I owned the place, and because I hung out with the Chosen, I was known to everyone.

As if being the girl with the freak hair dye job wasn't enough.

A path quickly formed, and I all but sprinted down it. I whipped my hair back with my hand, but it ended in massive failure. I accidentally slapped my neck. I quickly covered it up my pretending like I had a fly on my neck and slapped it again.


I looked around for one of the Chosen, but saw only Rueben. I rushed over to him. He raised an eyebrow at my sudden and fast appearance. we continued walking to Biology together.

We joined up with Kylie and Kyle and entered the room together. The room hushed at our grand entrance.

The noise level quickly rose when Gale walked in with Mizu trailing behind like a lost puppy. I rolled my eyes. Even the all-powerful Mizu was susceptible to his ways of charisma.

Kylie noticed it too. She didn't flirt with him. She was too busy looking at Mizu who was scratching down answers for his trig class.

Just before the bell rang, Mrs. Owens dashed in.

"Good Morning-" She greeted. Before she could apologze for being late, Gale whistled.

Half of the class swiveled in their seats to send a harsh glare toward Gale. Everyone knew anyone who wolf-whistled or cat-called to Mrs. Owens got detention. With Mr. Whitton.

I barely surpressed a shudder at Gales expense.

I sent him a look of pity.

Mrs. Owens hair barely moved as she looked up to answer whoever had the guts to whistle at her. Her eyes locked on Gale and he winked at her.

"She's hot." He stated simply. He sounded suspsciously like he was defending his actions.

Smart move.

Mrs. Owens was the hot new teacher who just so happened to be 23. Today she was clad in a tight black dress with cute gray flats. My favorite part about her outfit was the little flowers on the end of her toes. She was also wearing a cream colored headband that held her hair back.


"Galahad. But you can call me Gale." He winked again. My nose wrinkled in disgust.

Mrs. Owens looked down. "I'll have you know I'm married. And to someone much hotter than you." The class 'ohhhed' and 'ouched'. I snickered.

"I will also let that failed attempt slide since your new. Next time you try to seem appealng to any teacher, female or male" I started laughing harder. " You will be given detention on sight."

Gale shrugged.

"Just Checking."

"Well don't check again."

She turned to the board and began writing on it. Midway through the lesson, I felt a rush of wind. I looked up from the worksheet I was doing.

I looked around. The class was frozen! I saw a spitball aimed for Kyle frozen mid-way. Rueben and Kyle exchanged glances.


We could move?


Kylie stared at me.

As one force, all our heads turned to Gale.

His eyes were closed and his palms were facing upwards. He frowned like he was concentrating on something. He looked ;like he was sweating.

"Guys." I whispered to my puzzled and mystified friends "I think Gales doing ...... this." We stole a glance at Gale again.

He looked up and smiled.

'Your right."



I know I've been updating everyday so far, but I probably won't be able to as much what with testing coming up.

Does anyone make covers? I need one for this story!

Please check out my other stories. Don't forget to fan, comment, and vote.



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