Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

How? Was the only thought that somehow managed to penetrate my paralyzed state. Gale was still smirking smugly at me. Someone coughed. I glared at the grinning Mizu.  

"Don't zap me!" He mock surrendered with his hands in the air. Everyone laughed. How could they laugh? I somehow had unnatural "powers". I was still waiting for the camera guy from "Joked!" to jump out and yell "Gotcha!" But he still hadn't come. And I wasn't panicking (much), even though I knew I should be. It was like "Wow. Okay. I'm immortal and have awesome powers. Let's take a moment to see how this will affect my life......okay I'm done. Can I fly?" Yeah, right. 

"The oldest DeLynns, The Granted, choose and pick the new ones from a long list of babies. The chosen child proves themselves at a young age to be worthy of the power being a DeLynn offers you. Mizu, you beat up your older brother when you were 6 months." 

"I DID?! Mizu gasped. Then he burst out laughing. "Wait....till......I....tell.....him!" Gale visibly cringed. 

"You can't tell anyone. Not even your family." Gale stated while crossing his arms over his chest. Kyle's shoulders sank. 

"Dang it." He muttered incoherently. Because I pride myself on my good hearing, I smiled as I understood his words. 

"Kyle, your one of the smartest DeLynns we have seen for centuries. Maybe even millennias." Kyle grinned. 

"Always knew it bro," Kylie whispered to him. 

"Kylie, you proved yourself to have lots of energy. That's great for battling." Kylie high fived me, and I quickly high-fived her back. 

"Becka, you are psychic." Becka gasped and clutched Rueben's hand tighter. 

"Rueben" Rueben's head snapped upward to face Gale. "You. Can. FLY!" Gale nearly shouted. Rueben jumped up.  

"Yes! I get the best gift. I get the best gift." He chanted. He began doing a little jig where he moved his arms in circles by his waist, and moved his feet up and down. 

He quickly realized the rest of us were watching. I saw Kylie trying to hide a snicker, and I didn't even attempt to hide mine. Rueben coughed, blushed, and straightened his shirt in less than three seconds before joining Becka again. 

"Maddie, you can control plants. They bend at your will. But once you kill them, they can't regrow." 

Gale moved his head to the side. "Well. As you know, I'm pretty incredible. And according to the Granted, I'm nothing but "a little seedling in the paradox of time." I know I just told you all your powers. Except Aneh. And that's because I saved the best for last. Aneh, your parents aren't the people you live with now; they're our king and queen." I almost fainted. I swooned and held my head. Kylie jumped up to catch me.  

"Woah there, girl." She laughed while lifting me back up. "I know this is a lot of information, but try to keep consciousness." 

"Yes, PLEASE!" Mizu agreed. 

"Anyway" Gale continued " Aneh can breathe underwater. She can start a fire anywhere. She can bend water or change its state. She can float in the air. She can run at any speed. Aneh, being the Princess of the DeLynns is a high honor, and a great responsibility. You have to be courteous and kind to people you may not like. Wanna know something else?" I barely attempted a nod, while everyone else nodded vigorously. 

Gale smirked yet again. 

"There's something else you should know about DeLynns. Our emotions change like that-" He snapped his fingers to demonstrate "Our souls aren't in our bodies like humans are. That's how they die. Their souls are in their skin. Human scientists have decided that when they "sweat" it's because their bodies are trying to cool down. That's a lie. Their souls are trying to see what's going on around them, and why their bodies are getting such a workout." I cocked my head to the side. 

"Our souls aren't in our bodies. Aneh, your soul is wandering. We call you a wanderer. I'm a wanderer too. Your hair is a combination of all the colors of all the other locations of other peoples soul. Becka's is in a stone. Rueben's is in a tree. Maddie's is in a volcano." I snickered. So that's why she's always like an explosion waiting to happen. 

"Kyle's is in a mountain in Japan. Kylie's is in the Ocean near Mt. Fuji. Mizu's is in the air. Your always peaceful because you feel like a cool breeze. Calm and cool and collected. That's you."  

"But wait." I protested. "What about Mrs. Link?" Gale snorted.  

"She's an older member of the DeLynns." I snorted. 

"That old crow? What does she do, bite people?"  

Gale laughed. "No. She actually can control feelings and emotions. Kind of like Becka." 

"But how will we learn how to control our powers?" I questioned. 

Gale sighed. "I'll bring out the dogs and let you learn from the best. But hey, the best is right here." He pointed to his chest. I rolled my eyes. 

"Sure. But how come I've never noticed this before?" Maddie asked. Oh boy. Here we go. 

"You never had training." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  

"Duh." Mizu snorted. 

"This all too much. It's your first day, and your dropping this all on us. Not cool man." Kyle groaned. I nodded in agreement. 

"Well, you know we're immortal. Unless we're, you know, killed." When he saw our horrified faces, he took it back. 

"Joking" We all breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Phew." A slight breeze ruffled the papers in the room. Gales eyes widened and he pointed at Mizu. 

"See? Your developing your powers already!" He shrieked. 

Mizu shrugged. "That wasn't me." Suddenly, Gales face paled.  

"No." he whispered. "I just got here."  

He looked at me. "Aneh, I need you to think. Fell your heart beat. Feel the air in the room. Let the water in the fountain just outside the window fuel you. Use your DeMions." I blinked. 

"Powers" He corrected. 

All of a sudden, the door burst open. Gale screamed. All of us did. A platoon of men dressed in dark green suits entered. Gale still hadn't "pressed play" on time yet, so I knew they had to be DeLynns. The man who seemed to be the leader glared at all of us. 

"Today you die." He growled. He turned to me first. 

"Kill the most powerful." He muttered. I suddenly felt a sharp pain erupt through my side, like a stitch you get when you run for a while. I saw water break the window and float through the room. I rose a couple inches off the ground. I saw the men's eyes widened in fear. I felt the room heat up a few degrees. 

Who's doing that? I thought. 

The men's hair caught on fire and they ran away screaming. The last thought I had was one of joy before I lost consciousness and fell into the open arms of the black abyss.

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