Chapter 27

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Natures Soul

Chapter 27

“Well. It’s nice to see face-to-face. Well, with you conscious at least.” Uncle Rolfe- no, that sounded to personal- Rolfe leaned in close to me.

He had straight jet black hair, quite the opposite of my father, whose head was adorned with blonde curls. He had faint freckles dotted across his face and had flat skin with no creases, which meant he rarely smiled. He had the blues eyes, I felt like I could see anything in those eyes. He had perfect white teeth- either he took great care in them or used magic to make them look that way. He had a wicked smile. It reminded me of the old story every child knows; the one where the spider invites the fly into his house and she’s amazed by lavish estate. Except in my case- I had no choice, but I was still in the evil spider’s clutches.

“Don’t kill me.” I whispered.

“Of course not!” He remarked, leaning back. “You’re much too valuable for that kind of poor treatment.”

I had flickering thoughts of things that mattered to me. My real family. My fake parents- as much as I had disliked them when I was there- I realized now how much they had done for me. All my close friends. White. Even who I was- a DeLynn, mattered to me then.

“So you’re probably wondering why you’re here.” He began. “You know you were on the search for your soul, and that’s where you were when we….picked you up. You can thank your friend Becka for that.” He paused melodramatically to let it sink in.

I gasped. “Becka betrayed us!?”

“She betrayed you all.”

I sunk even lower in my chair, if possible. I felt like everything I had known was collapsing.

“No,” I whispered pathetically.

“So very sad. Haven’t you wondered why she hadn’t aged at all well knowing here? She’s already found her soul. Hundreds of years ago. It was her who tipped us off about your powers, how you were improving, and even where you were looking for your soul. In fact, she’s been tracing you since you were born.”

Stalker. Flashed through my mind. I officially had a stalker- and it had been my best friend. How quaint.

“So that’s how we got here. We also have your soul.”

My heart dropped to my stomach and my mouth went try. My body went limp, and I imagined what would have to happen to me. Then I remembered something.

“I once saw Becka and my sister dueling in a glade a few weeks ago-“

“That actually happened. You were reliving something that occurred over a hundred years ago in Malaysia.”

“So…what’s next? I’m tied to a chair…you have my soul…..”

“Well, you have two choices. A) Accept your fate and become a DiRay,”


“-Or Die.” He finished theatrically.

“How much time do I have to decide?”

“About two seconds.”

I began comparing both sides. If I was a DiRay, I would practically be granted invincibility, but we all knew that had it failures. If I was dead, then they wouldn’t have a powerful force behind them. Granted, I would probably try to mess up all the things I did on missions for them. Then again, if I was dead….

“Well, what will it be?”

I tried to stall.

“But if you have my soul, isn’t it impossible that I most likely will not not die because it has been found?”


“Can’t I not not not die because my soul has been found?”

“The only way you stay immortal is if you touch it or lay eyes upon it.”

Bummer. “Well-“

“Times up.”

I sucked in a deep breath. Will it be my final one? I wondered.

“Death.” I whispered, a sinking feeling taking over my heart and the world seemed like a darker place. A cruel, twisted one.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I will ask you to close your eyes. This will be very painful.” I whimpered and my eyes watered.

I love you.

Then I heard a loud crash and I felt my heart stop.


Almost over guys! One or two more chapters!

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