first day

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(school master) today there will be a new teacher starting (dovey) what school will she teach in (school master) your school professor dovey (dovey) yaay (lady lesso) let's hope she isn't as dramatic as you princess (dovey) hay just then there was a distant scream (school master) professor dovey open the window pleas (dovey ) ok as soon as dovey opens the window a girl is thrown in to the room standing up and brushing herself off she moves her head around the room (school master) professor yn is that correct (professor yn) yes that is you must be the school master they shake hands (lady lesso) I am lady lesso and that over dramatic princess is professor dovey (professor dovey) don't listen to lesso she is always moaning (professor yn) I gathered that so school master when shall I start teaching (school master) at the start of the year professor dovey can show you around as he says that dovey runs over to you linking your arms and leading you towords    the school for good (professor yn) I love your dress it's beautiful (professor dovey ) (blushing) thank you mabby we should start at the groom room and get you on of your verry own flowy dresses (professor yn) of that sounds fun (professor dovey) professor yn (professor yn) you don't have to call me professor you can just call me yn ( professor dovey)(blushing) and you can call me  Clarissa (yn) (blushing) Clarissa can I have my arm back now (Clarissa) yes sorry as they both giggle and walk in to the groom room there are lots of dresses hung up on hooks (Clarissa) go pick a dress that you can teach in professor yn I mean yn. Yn walks over to a rack and picks out a light babby blue dress and a blue flower tiara to we're on her head (Clarissa) go try it on (yn) ok Clarissa can you pick me out some heals pleas (Clarissa) Shure dear (Clarissa mind) omg did I just call her dear stop liking her I don't even know her that well (yn) what do you think. As she steps out in a babby blue dress with a flower tiara and white Heals (Clarissa) (blushing) beautiful (yn) (blushingly like mad) thank you. (Clarissa) we should probably get to dinner (yn) ye we should. As they walk off towards the hall yn thinks about Clarissa and how beautiful she is.

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