sick day

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Yn woke up with a terrible headache (Clarissa) morning darling (yn) morning (Clarissa kisses yn on the forehead (Clarissa) yn you are burning up are you feeling ok (yn) ye I am fi..(just then yn sits up and pukes all over the bed sheets) (Clarissa) yn babby are you ok (yn) (crying) ye I am fine I am so so sorry I will clean it up (Clarissa) no darling go get changed and I will deal with the sheets (yn gets changed in to a verry oversized hoodie and shorts before walking back in to her room (Clarissa) darling I have to grade papers in my office so do you want to come with me or stay Here (yn) go with you let me grab a blanket (yn Is laying on Clarissa sofa in the corner of her room) (yn) Clarissa I don't feol to good (Clarissa) owh no do you feol like you are going to throw up (yn) ye I th..(yn gets up and runs to the bin before puking a lot in to the bin) (Clarissa) yn let's get you to bed (Clarissa caries yn back to there dorm before curling up in there bed and falling asleep 

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