midnight walk

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It has bine 3 weeks now and dovey and professor yn has gotten closer and today yn teaches her first class.

(Yn) Clarissa I am so Nervose to teach my first class (Clarissa) don't worry dear you will do amazing now go pick out your dress (yn) ok does this look good.

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(Clarissa) wow you look amazing (yn) (blushing) thank you  ow um Clarissa (Clarissa)yes dear (lesso) cumon you are going to be late for breakfast (Clarissa) you were saying yn  (yn) it doesn't matter we better get to the hall (lesso) you evers are...

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(Clarissa) wow you look amazing (yn) (blushing) thank you  ow um Clarissa (Clarissa)yes dear (lesso) cumon you are going to be late for breakfast (Clarissa) you were saying yn  (yn) it doesn't matter we better get to the hall (lesso) you evers are so wired (Clarissa) hay. In the hall the school master stands up to introduce you (school master) can I have your attention pleas I would like to introduce our new fashion teacher professor yn.(All the evers clap along with dovey the school master and professor anemon.) (Lady lesso) over dramatic. (Professor dovey) don't lesso it's her first day let her have her moment. (Lesso roles her eyes and declares to the Nevers they can eat professor dovey does the same.) (Professor yn) Clarissa (professor dovey) yes yn (professor yn) when is my first class (professor dovey) you teach the first lesson of the day (professor yn) thank you. (Everyone hurry's  off to there classes. (Professor dovey) good luck yn (professor yn) thank you Clarissa.

(Professor yn) hello class I am professor yn and today I will be teaching you the history of a corset and why it is a main part of a princesses outfit. (Professor yn) so who can tell me why princess were corsets (a girl raises her hand) (professor yn) Beatrice right (Beatrice) yes that is correct and the reason princess were corsets are to keep there posture correct and shape there waist and puff out there dress (professor yn) correct well done Beatrice. (After the bell goes everyone leaves to go have there free time and yn decides to write in her diary) (yn diary narrator) dir diary I don't know what is going on I am falling in love with Clarissa I don't know what to do do I tell her or not. Eanny ways it was nice talking yours yn. (As soon as yn closed her diary Clarissa comes in to her classroom.) (Professor yn) Clarissa what can I do for you (Clarissa) I just came to ask how your lesson went.(yn) it went amazing all the students were angels (Clarissa) that's good to hear well I will leve you to mark your paper work then.(yn) ow um Clarissa before you go (Clarissa stops and turns around to face yn)(Clarissa) yes (yn) never mind.(Clarissa) ow ok bye. (It's bine a fue hours and it's dinner time yn goes and sits next to professor dovey and lady lesso (professor dovey) hi yn (lady lesso) helo professor yn good lessons ( professor yn) yes thank you for asking. Yn decides to leve early and go read in the library as she is walking to the library she stops and decides to ask Clarissa  to go on a walk with her so she walks to Clarissa office and knocks softly on the door.(Clarissa) come in (yn enters the room and sits down(Clarissa) yn what can I do for you.(yn) um I was um I was (Clarissa) are you ok (yn) yes I was wondering if you want to go on a walk with me you don't half to if you don't want to. (Clarissa) of course I would love to.(yn) ok cool let's go.( Yn and Clarissa walk out of her office and head down to the bridge (yn) it's beautiful out hear (Clarissa) yes it is (yn) Clarissa this is quite wired but I was wondering if you would... (Clarissa) if I would what yn (yn) go on a date with me (Clarissa) yn I (yn) forget about it it was a stupid question. ( Just then Clarissa kisses yn on the lips and yn kisses back.) (Clarissa) I um an so sorry.(she turns to run off when yn grabs hold of her wrist and kisses her and Clarissa kisses back rapping her arms around yn neck and yn wraps her arms around Clarissa waist. They pull away after a while.(Clarissa) let me plan the date yn I have a good idea (yn) ok well it's getting late we should probably go back now (Clarissa) yes we should.

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