the dean of evil has a secret

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(yn) good morning sweetheart (Clarissa) morning dear. Yn gets up and kissed Clarissa on the cheek (Clarissa) yn you have the princesses first (yn) ok the princesses are not as bad as the princes (Clarissa)true we'll see you soon darling. Kissing yn on the hed she leaves to go teach.

Fast forward it is now the evening and yn is verry annoyed because her class was a pain today. Yn bursts in Clarissa office. (Clarissa) dear what is wrong(looking concerned) (yn) the stupid Nevers starting a fight with the princes again. (Clarissa) I will inform lesso about that but are you ok you look stressed (then yn walks over to Clarissa and picks her up putting her on her desk (Clarissa) dear what If we are caught (yn shuts Clarissa up with a kiss then she goes for Clarissa dress untying the corset then the lacey pediecoat leaving Clarissa in her pastel yellow under dress picking Clarissa up and placing on her sofa yn kneels down and starts to kiss Clarissa's thighs (Clarissa) yn pleas don't teas (yn) don't worry love you will get it ( just then yn starts to lick at Clarissa's () and places 2 fingers in to Clarissa. (Clarissa let's out a loud moan not knowing her fellow dean was heading towards her office) just as yn was abbout to place a third finger in to Clarissa the door flings open and the dean of evil is standing in the door way speechless (Clarissa) lesso it's not what it looks like (lesso) really because it looks like professor yn is (Clarissa) ok ok lesso (yn) um Clarissa (Clarissa) yes (yn) your dress it's um (lesso) professor dovey having a sex life never thought I would see the day (yn) lesso don't you dare (lesso) do what it's nice that the drama queen is getting sex (Clarissa) lesso get out (lesso) why should I (Clarissa) get out. (Lesso) ok I am going.(lesso leaves Clarissa office and Clarissa locks the door with magic.(yn) omg the dean of evil knows (Clarissa) don't worry if she says anything I will make her pay (yn) (giggling ) Clarissa (Clarissa uses her finger glow to transport herself and yn to her room and were they curl up and fall asleep.   

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