Christmas special

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(yn) babby wake up wake up (dovey) wats wrong darling (yn) it's Christmas (dovey) I know darling now let's get changed and reddy for today

Time skips they are in the hall with the other teachers all the students went home for the Christmas holidays (pretend they can leve to go on holidays)

(Yn) lesso I got you this (yn gives lesso a box) (lesso) why thank you yn a new watch I needed a new one aswell (yn) you are welcome (Amon) Clarissa this is for you (Amon gives dovey a box with a new quill in it) (dovey) thanks Amon (dovey) hear darling (she gives yn a box with a new book in it (yn) thank you darling I love it now let's go outside and ice skate in the frozen lake (everyone agrees but Clarissa looks a bit sad because you haven't got her anything not even a card or kiss (lesso and Amon get out there camera (pretend they had technology) (confusing dovey) (dovey) yn darling what are you looking for (just then yn pulls out a box and gets down on one knee) (yn) Clarissa dovey plees make me the happiest woman in the world. And will you marry me (dovey) omg yees yes (she bends down grabbing hold of yn face and kisses her (lesso and Amon are clapping and yn puts the ring on dovey before they kiss again.

Time skips they are all in the library (lesso) well I am off to bed night (Amon) same night love birds (lesso) try not to make so mutch noise (yn) ha ha verry finny night

Time skips yn and dovey are curled up in bed (dovey) yn I love you so much I can't believe we are engaged (yn) same I love you so much (dovey) wait one second (she walks over to her vanity and pulls out a jewellery box and  grabbed a ring and walks back over to yn (dovey) yn will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me aswell (yn) yes Clarissa I will (dovey puts the ring on yn then they make out before falling asleep in each other's arms)

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