the date

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Clarissa has bine planning this date for months. And she is verry proud of herself. (Yn walks to Clarissa's office and nocks on the door) (Clarissa) come in yn how are you (yn) I am good how are you (Clarissa) I am good ow um yn go check your bed I might of put a outfit there for you (yn) why (Clarissa) for our date go put it on it will look beautiful on you (yn) ok back soon.(yn goes to her room to see a dress shoes and a necklace lade out on her bed.

(yn goes to her room to see a dress shoes and a necklace lade out on her bed

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Yn puts them on and goes to find Clarissa to see her in her traditional gold dress and shoes

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Yn puts them on and goes to find Clarissa to see her in her traditional gold dress and shoes. (Clarissa) (blushing)wow you look so pretty darling (yn) thank you so do you so shall we get going (Clarissa) yes but first. (As she says that she walks over to yn and kisses her.) (Yn) not that I don't love kissing you but if we don't go now we will get caught (Clarissa) true to the blue Forrest. (They arrive to the blue Forrest and go to the place dovey set up.)

(Yn) omg Clarissa it is beautiful (Clarissa) thank you dear now let's sit down and cuddle (as they sit and cuddle for a while yn keeps locking at Clarissa

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(Yn) omg Clarissa it is beautiful (Clarissa) thank you dear now let's sit down and cuddle (as they sit and cuddle for a while yn keeps locking at Clarissa.) (Clarissa) is everything ok dear (yn) yes but I was wondering If I don't know if you mabby want to be my girl friend (Clarissa) yn I would love to (and with tat yn and Clarissa were kissing under the stars.) (Yn) Clarissa can we go back to your room cus it is getting verry cold (Clarissa) of coarse dear let's go. ( And with the wave of her hand yn and Clarissa were in her room.) (Yn) shall we put our new pj on and do face masks (Clarissa jumping with excitement) yees

  (Yn is blue and purple is Clarissa) (Clarissa goes and gets the face mask and starts to put it on yn face struggling to stand in between yn legs to put the mask on

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(Yn is blue and purple is Clarissa) (Clarissa goes and gets the face mask and starts to put it on yn face struggling to stand in between yn legs to put the mask on.) (Yn) Clarissa do you want to sit on my lap and do that (before Clarissa answered she was on yn lap and there lips were almost toching Clarissa finneshed putting yn face mask on before she got up and started faffing with yn hair pining it up in all difrent ways before wiping yn mask off and picking her up and putting her in the bed.) (Clarissa) good night my lovely girlfriend (yn) good night love (and with that they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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