before we start

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Hi,before we start anything i'll do some quick explanations

1. All the characters in this are obviously not mine

They belong to the channel Smg4

If you don't know who he is,i recommend you go on youtube and search "SMG4" and watch some videos and the Arcs to understand this Book

2. The stories may follow up past and/or present events like arcs or just some old and/or new videos

But they will also be some random made up interactions between the characters

3. Some or most of them may include the ship SMG34/SMG43 (SMG3 x SMG4)

So instead of leaving a hate/homophobic comment just peacefully leave and save both you and me time

4. I may post some art here as well

Just for fun,and i may add to the story so y'all can have an idea a specific scene went

5. I may include a AU that i'm working on

It's not finished yet,so wait for it please

6. Some made up interactions may have continuations

(specially if i put "1/?" ,because it will be relevant again i just don't know when it i'll come to a conclusion)

7. There will be HC (Headcanons) here and there,so please be respectful about them

8. I don't (and i will not) take requests,especially 18+ requests

Don't even bother asking "Pretty please" or spamming me with suggestions,i won't take it

9. (And most importantly) this book will not (and never wil) have 18+ stories

For 2 reasons:

1- i am a minor (and i'm pretty sure there are minors reading as well,don't lie to me)

2- I don't write that kind of stuff

With that being said


(There May be some Spelling errors for the fact that English is not my first language

So if you spot any spelling errors please let me know,so i can fix them)

SMG4 OneShots And HeadCanonsWhere stories live. Discover now