I Missed You...

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The day was being the usual day at the showgrounds, Mario and SMG4 were just waiting for the day to pass by like it always does.

Some crazy ass shenanigans, Somebody getting arrested... Usually Bob... Melony walking with Axol Jr, Rob selling corn, Belle begging for Screen Time and Depresso... doing whatever... Mario and SMG4 were discussing once again about the new castle.

SMG4 finally had enough money to build a new castle, thanks to Mario and His pizza stand and.... His OC Marty. A cardboard cutout being able to do these oddly unnatural things and owning a pizza stand is not out of the ordinary

With the castle finally being built, SMG4 and The others decided to go on a holiday vacation.
While the others were giving various suggestions, some even more stupid than the other, one of them was completely silent.

Bob, the Garo figure, was deep in his thoughts, it didn't matter how much he would try to distract himself by doing whatever, stealing banks, starting random fights with random people on the road just to ignore, there was someone in his mind.

SMG1, The Meme Guardian and the Garo looking guy have been talking to each other for a while, they've become very close friends. But... it's been Six months ever since Bob last saw him, did something happen? did anybody do anything? ...did HE do anything to scare him off?
Bob's mind was already playing tricks on him, he was already assuming the worse... how come the other didn't noticed that they last saw them six months ago?

Four: "Alright! It's decided! We're going to pee pee Island!"

Three: "Is this serious?!" SMG3 couldn't believe that pee pee Island was the place that they were going

Four: "Listen! We all decided to-"

Three: "What do ya mean 'We all decided?' Bob didn't, he was just staring at nothing!"

Bob: "Huh- wh-" the sudden call of his name broke the wall of thoughts, he wasn't even paying attention to the conversation. "Ah- yeah... Pee Pee Island..." ...wait...What-

Four: "See? We ALL decided, anyways, everybody, go pack everything and don't forget to bring enough clothes, if I had to guess, we will be away for a while."

Three: "URGH! fine!" Three opened a portal to go to the internet graveyard and pack his stuff, and so did the others, everybody went to their houses to grab everything they needed.

Four: "remember! Be at the train station at 5 PM!"

Bob saw it as an opportunity to look for One, it's only 12 AM... Yeah... I have time!
The first place to look is obviously his hotel, One lives there with Two, maybe they're there... even if they are, why hasn't he seen them? UGHR! pay attention

He looked everywhere at the hotel before looking in their hotel room. A knock on the door and a call for their name was his first attempt. Later on, he grabbed the hotel keys... it isn't an invasion if the hotel is mine, right? He didn't think of it much.

After opening the door, he walked in, the place was in order, it looked the same as the last time the Garo went there to visit.
He looked in the rooms and it was just as normal as the rest of the place.

But it was Odd... all their clothes were gone... Two's Hoodies, One's dresses, they were all gone... where did they go? The Garo didn't know what to think next of it, maybe they're in any of their favorite places?

Maybe Omnia academy- no... Meggy's graduation was a few days ago, the academy is on a holiday break. URGH!

1:59 PM:

Before leaving to look in more places, the Garo makes sure to have his suitcase ready for when he has to go to the train station.
The next place he goes to, is the Yoshi Daycare, SMG1's part time job. The Kids all seemed to miss him as well...

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