"It's not what you think it is"

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[Stevario, Bomg1(mentions of Smg01) and SMG34

The whole fruity gang is here

Again,GMOD scenes made by CatzGotz

Part 2 of [catz has the right to turn ANY of my oneshots into videos] the stevario Oneshot "Will you. . ."


Tw//a swear word]

Third Person P.O.V:

It was a nice afternoon at the castle

There was nothing much to be done other than enjoy it and wait for dinner,that was being made by Saiko and Luigi

A group of people could be seen in the living room

With two of them sitting on the couch

Bob:[I dOn'T gEt It. . .] Bob says [WhY dO yOu LiKe BoOkS sO mUcH?]

Smg1:[what's not to like about them? It's a huge fantasy world inside a few pages] Smg1 proceeds to explain

Smg1 was always seen as a bookworm

All his friends call him like that once in a while,if given the chance,they would spend countless hours reading

And sometimes even forgetting to sleep

Which results in many nights without a healthy amount of sleep

Bob:[fOr Me iT's JuSt A bUnCh Of PaPer GlUeD ToGeThEr]

Smg1:[Everybody have their own likings i guess] they said that,as they move on to the next page of their book [But i still want you to give it a chance] They give the book to bob

Bob:[UrGh. . .FiNe] Bob finally tries reading it,of course,it doesn't get his attention,he had "other" things in mind

On the other side of the room

Two (Ex) Mario Recolors were simply having a "conversation"

Smg4:[i'm just saying-]

Smg3:[NO. ]

Smg4:[But think about it,with My content creator skills and your amazing editing skills,We Could Make The Perfect Video]

Smg3:[What part of "no" don't you get? I have the Whole Internet graveyard to take care of. . .plus i can't leave Eggdog alone]

Smg4:[C'mon! You can bring him too,i like the little fella's company-]

Smg3:[I already said NO!] The Arguments continued,Smg4 wanted 3's help more than anything

He wanted to create the perfect video,and Smg3 was his best choice for asking for help

But convincing him was proving very difficult

But he'll keep trying

Two other figures in the room are witnessing the whole argument

Melony:[those two. . .] She says it,as she giggles a little bit

Meggy:[Heh. . .wonder when's the wedding]

Meggy and melony have been teasing them since forever,they always love to mess with Smg3 and Smg4 about them dating or something,and the answer is always the same

Either both of them yelling that they're not a couple,or Smg3's face going completely red and him being speechless

Smg1 and Bob on the other hand,have been hanging out with each other for a while now

Maybe Smg1 had developed feelings for the Man,and Maybe bob had developed feelings for the Small Cube SMG as well

But they're still getting to know each other
And Smg1 was always seeing the good side of that guy

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