i thought i lost you [1/3]

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[This will takes place before,in between and after the Lawsuit Arc,so Smg4 and Smg3 still are mario recolors till the end of WOTFI 2022

Smg34/Smg43 hurt/comfort]

Smg3 P.O.V:

"It has been only a month ever sense me and Smg4 started to date,

It still feels so weird that. . .i've been rivals for over 11 years

When we started to date,our first concern was. . .how are we supposed to tell the others about this?

How would they react?

We decided to do not stress ourselves with it so much,and that we would figure it out together later

Smg4 was a very affectionate boyfriend,whenever he got the change he would Hug me,kiss me,call me cute names or do the 3 things at the same time

In just another "Normal" day of our lifes,we were spending time together on a date at a amusement park,i still couldn't believe he won a giant stuffed bear for me,we had so much fun that we didn't even saw time fly by so fast"

G4: huh,it's already night,i didn't even noticed

G3: i guess,when you have a lot of fun you just forget about the rest

G4: heh yeah,anyways,maybe we should go,it's getting really late

"i gave Smg4 a goodbye kiss,and opened a portal back to the internet graveyard

Back at home,i was greeted by my little eggdog

He came at me barking in a very happy way"

G3: Aww,did you miss me?

"He barked at me once more,i'll just take that as a yes"

G3: now. . .where will i put this stuffed bear?. . .

"After thinking for a while,i decided to put it in my room

I was going to put it in the living room,but i didn't wanted one of the lads to rip it apart,like they do to every stuffed animal i give to them"

G3: *Yawn* i really need my bed right now

"By the time i got to my room and just threw myself on the bed

Before I closed my eyes and sleep, I noticed that my cell phone was vibrating

It was Smg4 sending a message"

[Glitchy 🎮]

10:39 PM

- Hey :D
- hope i didn't wake you up

I was actually about to go to sleep -

- Oh ●-●

Anyways,is there something you want to tell me? -

- i just wanted to know if you want to go to the amusement park again someother day

Oh,sure -
That would be good -

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