Third First Kiss

751 17 13

[Co-writing project with ZER09294]


Third Person P.O.V:

The mushroom kingdom park and forest are beautiful "The perfect place to relax" said the SMG in white overalls. Four was enjoying a calm and nice day. After long hours of editing, his back was begging him to get out of that chair. There were no clouds in the sky, which made that a very sunny day.

After everything that had happened in his life, this was everything he needed,while the new castle was...still a bit away from being built, he could at least enjoy the joy and calm nature.

Four was just walking,not paying attention to where he was going. "I need to do this more often,the sky, the trees,so relaxing-" it didn't take much for him to accidentally stumble across someone…someone familiar.

???: "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE G- oh. . . it's you, and here I thought my day couldn't get interrupted by any of your shenanigans"

It was clear who that was. It was Three.

Four: "G'day to you too, Three"

The last thing Four expected was to meet up with Three today,but you never know…
He took a look at Three's face, the scars from when they sank the castle were on the right side of his face, pink lines that looked like veins, but they also looked like the purple cracks on the other side of Three's face from when they messed with anti-meme energy

Both of them have those cracks, and both of their arms are now missing their texture just like One and Two. He remembers the pain from when their arms started to lose texture, it was like being on fire.

Four didn't even realize that he was staring at Three for too long now.

Three: "Why not take a picture?" Three cuts the silence, talking in a sarcastic tone

Four finally snapped back to reality: "Huh- what-"

Three: "You. You've been staring at me. Stop that, it's annoying"

Four took a moment to realize, he got too caught up in his own thoughts. "Wh- No! I wasn't staring at you!"

Three: “Yes you were!!”

Four rebutted: "No! You were the one staring at me!"

Three pointed his finger at Four. “NO!! YOU were staring at ME!!!”

Four kept insisting. "I- clearly wasn't staring at you!"

Three: “Sure… then why are your eyes still on me!?”

Four: "Because you're accusing me!"

Three facepalmed: “You make no sense.”

Four: "I make no sense? Have you ever heard yourself talk?!"

Three stepped towards Four. “Have you ever heard YOURSELF at all??”

Four: "Wh- will you stop repeating what I say?!"

Three: “You keep accusing me of your own actions though!!”

Four: "Wh- "

Three took another step to him. “ “Wh-” WHAT? What is it?”

Four: "WELL- "

Three: "What? Did the cat steal your tongue?"

Four: "What cat?! There's no cat here other than yo- " He stopped the moment he realized what he was about to say.

Three inched even closer to Four. “Excuse me?! What did you say?? Can you repeat that to my face?”

Four shrugged. "I- didn't- "

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