Chapter 29

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The creek was in sight on the map. It was about twelve miles away, according to the map.

Gavin warned them as the lights were visible. The creek had provided a trail to their location. The bulbs were bright yellow, mainly so that the bigger boats could see them from afar.

He took a hard left into the creek and he pushed them forwards. The boat adjusted to the minimal waves compared to what it just endured after a slight retirement. This part was a lot simpler, but there was still the possibility that the cops were waiting for them. It only made Gavin want to go faster.

"I see the coast guard station on the map," he told the group. "I'm going to pull onto shore. We need to bolt when we get there."

There was a beach and there was one shot. Gavin turned the wheel and the engine pushed through. The water was getting shallow fast and the boat halted. He pulled the key out, which turned off the map, and killed the engine. EJ ripped the towel off. The blood had stopped, but she wanted to chop her leg off. Leo helped her up from the floor and threw himself into the shallow water. Gavin held onto the phones as he helped Imani into the water. Leo was there to catch EJ, who gracefully jumped into his arms. She winced, but still ran for it as fast as she could. They all ditched the boat, praying it would just stay stuck in the sand.

When they got to the sand, EJ's leg pain became the least of her concern. "That's it! Right there."

The building was at the top of the sandy hill. It was old and had a lighthouse. Gavin ran forwards with Imani while Leo stayed with EJ. Her eyes were squinting and she felt light headed. To save time, Leo picked her up bridal style and carried her up the hill.

Gavin burst through the doors with the three of them right after him. They were all yelling at once and a sergeant held his hands up in the air. "One of you."

EJ stood on her own with a slight limp as she stepped forward. Gavin handed her her phone and she unlocked it. "Wayne Alodia killed his wife. We have proof from their security cameras. It's all on video."

The sergeant eyed all four of them. All of them were soaked in water, heavily breathing. One of them was bleeding.

With a grunt, he said, "I'll see the video."

Before EJ could even pull up the video, cops stormed in with their guns held up. Gavin frantically stood in front of Imani with his arms up. Leo grabbed EJ and pulled her to the corner.

"Put your hands in the air!" a cop shouted at Leo.

"He didn't do anything!" Gavin said with his eyes widened.

"Tell that to the court," the cop said as he charged towards Leo's direction.

Suddenly, the cop came to a halt. His gun was still pointed at Leo's chest, but his eyes were somewhere else. Leo didn't move. He didn't have to look either. EJ held up her phone with the video playing. The cops stopped what they were doing and joined. The chief even glanced at the phone screen. The whole video played and he lowered his gun. Leo stared at him with his arms still up.

The walkie talkie on the cop buzzed. "Chief, the prints came back on the Alodia case. Wayne Alodia's prints were on Lisa Alodia's body. Checked out on her clothes and arms."

The man trained his eyes between Leo and EJ, then yanked the device from his belt. "Thank you."

"Chief," another voice said, "his prints were also on the door knob on Morgan Laben's door."

Before anybody else on the other side of the walkie talkie could speak, Wayne came storming into the office with EJ's pistol in his hand. His hand was shaking and his eyes couldn't fixate on anything. All of the cops adjusted and turned towards Wayne with their guns pointed at him. After scanning the room, he found her and aimed the gun towards EJ. Leo wrapped his arms around her and held her against his back. EJ was covered by his body.

"They know what you did," Leo said with a grimacing face. "Put the gun down."

Wayne had a smile on his face with no happiness behind it. His eyes were trained on Leo. "I gave you everything." His finger twitched against the trigger. "I took you in, fed you, sent you to the best schools in Long Island." Tears brimmed in his eyes, with the smile still on his face. "I did everything for you!"

Leo should not have said what he said, mainly because it only lit the fire in Wayne's eyes more. "You didn't want to give me the house because of what I accomplished. You wanted to give it to me so you could own me."

Wayne hysterically laughed then said, "If only you knew what your life would've been like if I didn't marry your mother."

A cop took a step closer and said, "Put the gun down."

Suddenly, Wayne pivoted and aimed at the cop. While he was turned, Leo lunged for Wayne. He twisted his arm back and the gun fell out. Gavin kicked it out of his reach. As Leo kept his grips on his arm and neck, Wayne used his free arm and elbowed Leo in the gut. EJ had her hands over her mouth. The sergeant stood in front of her. Leo's stomach didn't hurt as much as Wayne would've wanted. With pure rage, Leo tackled him to the ground by the legs and pushed extra hard on where the gunshot was. He flipped Wayne onto his back and he was facing Leo, who raised his fist.

"Stop!" Gavin shouted.

Leo wanted to do it. He wanted to punch him. He wanted Wayne to feel his pain. He wanted to do it for his mother. His chest rose and fell. Before he made a last minute decision, he flipped Wayne around. He placed a knee to his back and held his wrists together.

All of the guns were facing the man, whether they were held by cops or the military.

Two cops approached, leading to Leo getting up. One of them placed his hand down on Wayne's shoulder while the other put handcuffs around his wrists. Nobody said a word. Leo walked back over to EJ, who was being treated. He placed an arm on her shoulders and let her lean on his body.

"It was Edward Labin!" Wayne shouted at nobody in particular.

He was tugged to the cop car he was happily sitting in before and the door was slammed. The cop cars dissipated until there was one left. The chief stood with the group. He placed a hand on Gavin's shoulder, then left. 

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