Chapter 2

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The ferry crashed onto the pavement bridge and the sailors lifted the chains from the walls. Those who were peering at the water from the sides piled into the center and into their cars. Engines hummed as the crew huddled to the front. They waved in the first row of cars to drive out of the ferry and down the ramp.

The Alodia's waited patiently for their row's turn. Wayne's pointer finger tapped on the top of the steering wheel. Leo turned off his phone, giving up on receiving any service. Gavin started to stir awake and his eyes slowly opened. He lifted himself up from his crooked position and looked out of the windshield. When he got clarity, he swatted Leo in the chest, then pointed to the front. After he got a nod, Gavin turned up his music.

The last car in the first row dove down the ramp and the sailor ushered their row forwards, leading to Wayne putting the car in drive. He let the car roll without any acceleration. The line of cars was waiting for an idiot, who was not going on a green light. After a few honks, the Alodia's got to drive forwards and out of the parking lot.

The town was bustling with people. There were people taking selfies by the water. Families walked into small stores. A group of girls walked out of a boutique with hefty bags in their hands. Gavin's eyes were wide open and a grin started to appear on his face. His hand lifted from his side and his finger pushed down on the little button, the glass beside him began to roll downwards.

"Hey, ladies!" he said with a goofy smile. "Need help with those bags?"


"On your chest!" Gavin started cackling. He laid in his seat as he rolled the window back up.

"Gavin," Lisa said as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Lisa," he said as he tried to suppress his smile. He glanced at Leo and said, in a whispered tone, "This trip is going to be nice. Can you imagine how many girls there are here?"

Leo nodded. His phone finally got service. He went back to his Tinder and the Boston University girl was still there, waiting to be swiped. Gavin put his hand over Leo's phone.

"Look outside, man," he instructed, waving his hand to the town. "They're waiting for us." Gavin pressed his pointer finger into his step brother's chest. "We're going to a bar I've heard about. You're bound to get laid at least ten times in these two weeks."

Again, Leo nodded, but he added a dap up with Gavin and a grin that time.

Gavin always had a way of getting away with anything. His bright eyes have put people in a trance—according to Gavin. Leo had heard endless stories about how he would be let into clubs and bars starting sixteen years old. He would either get driven home or Wayne would pay for an Uber. It was surprising that his past, or his grades, did not ruin his chances at getting into Chapel Hill.

They drove through the towns, making their way to their place. There were colorful townhouses, busy restaurants, and endless access to the water. As they passed by, they were getting farther away from civilization. There were less families, cute girls, and stores. Society was slowly departing from Leo's sight. For a while, it was just a house, some distance, then another house over and over again.

The water crashed against the rocks against the shoreline. There were various boats on the Sound. Fishermen held out their poles with the string cast out, waiting for something to grab onto the bait. Some were doing it for fun, and the rest were doing it for money. Yachts blared music and a bottle of champagne popped. Nobody was the same, but they all shared the Sound.

The flowers were blooming. Leo's eyes trained on the tiger lillies, his mother's favorite. They were bright orange and burgundy like he remembered. The petals were slightly dry from the heat, presumably. The row of tiger lilies blew in the brisk wind. There were bushes filled with hydrangeas in front of a house on the road. The house had beige, wooden walls with white trimming. That meant they were about to arrive to their own.

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