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It's been five years today since we lost Perrie. I haven't gone a day without missing her. She will always be in my heart. Every year Jesy would meet Zoe and I for lunch at Perrie's gravestone.

"Aunt Jesy going to be there?" Zoe asked as I helped her out of the car.

"Of course, baby." She smiled and took my hand. I grabbed the basket and we headed toward Perrie's gravestone. Jesy came into view and Zoe took off.

"JESY!" She said, throwing her little arms around her.

"Hi beautiful. You're getting so big!"

"I turned five today." She said with a huge smile.

"Oh, I know! I got a present for you." Jesy brought out a pink gift bag.

"She looks more like Perrie everyday." Jesy said, as Zoe opened her present.

"Yeah. I know. She's perfect."

Zoe squealed at her new outfit.

"Is that.."

"Yup. I hope you don't mind. I knew this was yours and Perrie's favorite shirt so I thought why not."

"It's great Jes. Thank you." I hugged her. I walked over to Zoe.

"Look Zo, mommy had a shirt just like this." I told her.

"Really! Can I put it on."

"Of course." I smiled and helped her change. She spun around showing Jesy and I her new shirt. "You ready for lunch,Zo."

"Yes!" She said. She stopped spinning and helped Jesy pull out the blanket and lay it across the ground. I unpacked the lunch and sat down.

"Tell the story." Zoe said.

"I tell you the story all the time." I said.

"I like hearing it."

She took a bite out of her pb&j.

"How about I tell you a different one."

"What about?"

"Your mum being a hero."

Jesy looked at me, giving me a look, asking me with her eyes if was sure. I nodded and smiled. Zoe ate as I told the story of the night that changed everything, only leaving a few things out.

"Your mommy was strong and she fought and fought to keep you safe. She used everything she had to make sure you could be here. She was a great person. Now she is an angel, watching over you.

"A concrete angel." Zoe said.

I smiled. "Yes, Zoe. Exactly."


It wasn't easy at first. It took a long time to adapt to everything. I had some great help from some great people. Five years and I still miss her, like it was yesterday. I see Jesy, every now and than. Her and Leigh are doing good, they are set to get married in June. About time I may add. Debbie and Mark are doing well. I bring Zoe over to see them as much as possible. They watch her while I work, they enjoy her company. Luke was put in jail for a very long time. They went easy on him since he confessed everything. He confessed to beating Perrie, and shooting her, everything. He was in jail a few years before he killed himself. He just couldn't live with the guilt anymore. Like I said, death is easier than living a life with so much guilt. I don't even think anyone went to his funeral. Michael now owns his own club and asked me to manage half, of course I took it. I do the day shift so I can be home with my daughter every evening. Niall has my old job. He's saving up to get a ring for Jade. And for me, I'm doing good. I don't know if I will ever find someone else. Right now, it's just Zoe and I, she's my number one. I grabbed Zoe's hand and we headed toward the car.

"Wait!" Zoe said. She let go of my hand and ran to Perrie's stone. She threw her arms around it.

"I love you, mommy." She said. "I miss you."

Tears filled my eyes at the site. Zoe made her way back to me. The wind lifting her blond curls off her shoulder. I can still feel Perrie around me, it's like she is always there with us. It comforts me, knowing that she isn't fully gone. She in the wind but most of all, I see her in Zoe.


Well, that is all. (: Sorry the epilogue is short, I didn't think it needed to be too long, it got everything that needed to be said. Thanks again to all you viewer, you guys rock! Stay tuned for more from me. I love you guys! (: -xx

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