Chapter 1

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Another day and I don't want to get out of bed. The warm covers surround me as I buried myself deeper into them.

"Perrie, your ass better be out of bed!"

I sighed kicking off my blankets. I stretched my achy muscles and climbed out of bed. Stripping out of my night clothes, I drop them in the hamper as I head to my bathroom. I looked through the mirror. Bruises covered my body like a painting of black and blue. Luke doesn't mean to hurt me, he loves me very much. He just gets angry at me sometimes. I traced the bruise on my wrist where he held on a little to tight. He told me he was sorry. I shied away from the mirror and turned on the water. A hot shower is what I look forward the most when I wake up, it relaxes me. I stepped into the hot shower, letting the water surround me. After washing up using my favorite mint scented wash. I stepped out of the tub, wrapped the towel around me and headed back to my room.

"About time! You women take forever!"

I jumped, Zayn was sitting on my bed, smirking.

"Shit, Zayn! What are you doing here?"

"Um, no reason really."

I pulled my towel closer to me.

"Jesy wanted me to tell you to call her."

"Why didn't she call me?"

"She did!"

"Well, you gave me the message. You can go now."

"You act like we've never saw each other like this before. I mean, come on we grew up together."

"Yeah, well we were kids. We are older now

He stood up in front of me.

"I don't think anything has changed."

"Heey." I said, pouting.

"I'm just kidding. You are more beautiful."

I smiled. "Thank you but can you go now?"

He smiled, walking over to the window and climbing through it.

"Don't act like you never fantasized about me before!"

"Just go!" I said, launching a pillow at him. He chuckled, leaving my window. He's impossible. I sighed, heading to my closet. Picking out a pair of high waisted skinny jeans and my favorite sweater. The usual when I have bruises to cover and that seems to be all the time.

"Hey Pez. Are you ready to go to the mall?"

"Yup! Can Jesy come? I'm suppose to give her a call anyway."

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you. We'll be good!"

"I doubt that!" Mum said, chuckling.

Once mum left I picked up my phone and dialed Jesy's number.


"Hey Jes. Mum and I are going to the mall, would you like to join?"

"Yeah! Definitely! I will be right over!"

She hung up the phone before I could even response. Jesy only lived a street away from Zayn and I so it didn't take her long to get here. I met her at the door.


"It's a little cold this morning." Jesy said.

"Good morning, Jessica!" Mum yelled from the kitchen.

"Morning, Mrs. Edwards!"

"Oh no! There's trouble." Daddy said, coming into the room.

"Good morning, daddy!" I kissed his cheek.

Concrete Angel (Zerrie)Where stories live. Discover now