Nemesis Dreams

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Sophie was getting worse. Each day, the 'pranks' became more and more vicious, and no matter how many times Hester and I told her that we wanted to stop, she always found a way to rope us into her next scheme. Revenge is a villain's greatest weakness, and Sophie had fallen into it headfirst, and worse, she was still convinced she could manipulate Tedros into asking her to the ball. But the last straw, the night Hester and I knew we had to step in, was the night we woke up to Sophie retching. I felt her forehead and when I found it red hot. Immediately, I rushed over to the table where I had set the excess vials of potion I had brewed when Hester was ill.

"Drink this," I instructed, helping her uncork the vial. I could sense Hester fidgeting nervously behind me.

"They're—killing—me—" Sophie rasped weakly. I was barely able to move the dustbin to the side of the bed before Sophie leaned over and threw up.

"She has a high fever, Hester," I muttered.

"Lady Lesso said—Nemesis—Drea—"

"They're nothing, Sophie," Hester reassured. "Now go to sleep."

"Will I—be—better for—Ball? Tedros—promised—"

"Close your eyes, dearie."

"Dreams—they'll come—" Sophie wheezed.

"Shh," Hester said as I eased Sophie back onto her pillow. "We're here now."

As soon as Sophie closed her eyes, Hester and I looked at each other, identical grim looks in our eyes.

"Dreams of faces, high fever, obsession..." I moved out of Sophie's earshot, dragging Hester with me. "Lady Lesso is right! Tedros is her Nemesis!"

"So she did meet the School Master!" Hester whispered back. "She's in a real fairy tale!"

"Then this whole school better watch out, Hester," I warned. "Real fairy tales mean war!"

"We need to get Tedros and Sophie back together NOW!" Hester resolved. "Before any symptoms appear!"

"But how?" I hissed.

"Your talent," Hester whispered, leaning closer. "But we can't tell a soul! This gets out and all our lives are at stak—"

A thud in the hallway. Hester and I glanced at each other, then at the door. Hester flung it open, peering out into the dark hallway. But the hallway was empty.

A/N: This is basically uncreative filler to drive the plot, and is basically taken from the book. I don't enjoy writing these sorts of chapters, but I suppose they are necessary. As always, thanks for reading!

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