The No Ball

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When I opened my eyes, the castle was dark, not a single person or creature in sight. For a moment I was unsure of where I was, why I was sleeping on the cold stone floor, but then it all came rushing back. I panicked, nearly kicking Dot in the head as I scrambled to my feet, gazing through the darkness in the direction of the door.

I exhaled in relief. It was still locked. But just as my heartbeat slowed, I saw a shadow moving at the end of the hall.

I lit my finger glow, the dim red light casting its own shadows over stone. I drew closer, my weakened demon bristling with fear. The shadows moved closer as I did, and with a swift motion, I lit the torch in the stairway, revealing the owner the shadow.

Or should I say, owners.

Mona, Arachne, Vex, and Brone were coming up the stairs, staring at me in surprise.

"Why aren't you in your rooms!" I snapped, lighting the other torches in the hall.

"We were coming to help you!" Mone protested.

"We want to fight back!" Vex said, a bit too enthusiastically.

"Against what?" I asked, raising my voice. "If you're talking about Sophie, you're wasting your time. We already have her—"

Arachne shoved a black card into my hands, glittering with a ghostly white script.

"Now Good comes to kill us all

Because we've ruined their beautiful Ball

But, dear Nevers, we'll have our revenge

Arrive at 8 p.m. in Evil Hall"

My face paled. I ran back down the corridor, the other Nevers on my heels, and kicked Dot and Anadil awake. They sat up, rubbing their eyes drowsily.

"Look!" I shoved the card under their noses.

"It's a cute poem," Dot yawned after she finished reading. "Though hardly worth waking us for. What's this revenge?"

My patience snapped for the third time in 24 hours.

"There is no revenge!" I barked.

"Then why did you write it?" questioned Anadil.

"I didn't, you idiots!"

Instantly, they understood. They scrambled to their feet, and soon the seven of us were sprinting down the hall, Anadil, Dot and I in the lead.

"How did she get out?" Anadil said, taking the steps two at a time.

"Who?" Arachne and Mona asked at once. We ignored them.

"I suppose she did it before she came!" I yelled back.

"She's great at pranks," said Dot, tripping and nearly falling on her face. "What do you think the revenge will be?"

"More ravens?" Anadil suggested.

"Poison clouds?" I offered.

"Firebombs placed under both schools to go off at exactly the same time!" Dot screeched.

My eyes widened. "Suppose they're all dead!"

We saw the doors to the hall at the end of the corridor and sprinted toward them. I flung them open, preparing for bodies, bombs, or something more sinister—

Dot took one look and fainted. Anadil and I glanced at each other, both surprised and confused.

"This is the revenge?" I said skeptically.

A black banner hung over the hall, letters glittering in the same white script as the invitation.

"The 'No Ball?'" Dot read. "What's the 'No Ball?'"

I growled. "Seems like Sophie's made a fool of us all."

There was a noise behind us, and I turned to see Nevers flooding down the stairs, many still in their pajamas or filthy from Sophie's attack. Each clutched an invitation in their hand, staring in wonder at the glittering streamers and pristine instruments leaning against the wall in the corner.

A Neverboy took a tentative step toward one of the violins, gingerly picking it up and setting the bow against the strings he played a shaky note, then a scale. Every Never's eyes were on him as his bow flew across the strings, creating a fast paced melody.

Another student walked to the harp, supplementing the Neverboy's notes with a gentle harmony.

Before long, each instrument was in the hands of a Never student, the beautiful music echoing through the hall.

Vex held out a hand to Mona, who let him pull her into the middle of the dance floor. This gave the other Nevers the courage to follow, smiles lighting up their faces as couple after couple made their way to the middle of the ballroom.

I scowled. "Honestly, I think Sophie's so called revenge is to steal our digni—"

Anadil was holding out a hand to me, face impassive.

My face went as red as my demon.

Hesitantly, I slipped my hand into hers and let her lead me out of the shadows. Somehow, this was almost as terrifying as waiting for an evil witch. And not in a good way.

"How, uh, do we—" I didn't look at Anadil, still sure my face was nuclear.

Silently, she took my hands and slipped them around her waist. She then placed her own hands on my shoulders, (somehow) moving in time with the music. I'm relatively certain I stepped on her feet at least fifty times in the next minute.

When I finally found the courage to look back at Anadil, I found her lips curled in a slight smirk. I frowned.

"What's so funny?"

"Do you really know nothing about dancing?" Anadil asked.

"No," I scoffed. "Of course I don't. Do you?"

"I've been forced through a few lessons," she admitted. "Know enough not to step on your feet. I'm going to have bruises for a month after this, you know."

"Oh, shut up."

Anadil let out a laugh; a high, throaty rasp. "I'm only messing with you."

The music changed, and many couples began to switch partners, twirling awkwardly into a new person's arms.

I found Ravan in mine. I stared after Anadil, longing for just one more minute to dance with her.

"Gee, never thought I'd see Hester of Ravenswood blush," chuckled Ravan.

I tore my eyes away from Anadil, glaring. "I don't blush. Especially not at you, if that's what you're going for."

"Really? Then why is your face redder than the blood of my enemies?"

I stepped on his foot, on purpose this time. He let out a yelp.

The music stopped. I looked around and spotted Agatha standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her face. Couples broke apart, their own cheeks reddening in shame. It was a stupid idea to think we could have what the Evers did, and we all knew it.

"What is she doing here?" Vex spat after a moment.

"She'll tell the Evers!" shrieked Mona.

"Get her!" Arachne cried.

"I'll handle this."

It took me a moment to realize it was I who had spoken. I stepped through the crowd, other Nevers clearing a path for me.

Agatha stumbled back, eyes widening in terror. "Hester, listen—"

"This is a villains' party, Agatha," I pointed out. "And you're not a villain."


"I'm afraid there's only one thing to do..."

Agatha shielded her face. "Die?"

I opened my arms, barely able to believe what I was about to say. "Stay."

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