Chapter 3: "Let me buy you a drink."

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You wore the same outfit to the concert, but added a black smokey eye look and put your hair in a high ponytail. Wanda was in a similar getup, except she was wearing a tight black skirt with fishnets and thigh high boots.

Once the two of you made it to the arena, there were loads of fans waiting in line outside. You groaned. You're going to miss half the show if you wait in this line!

Wanda sensed your negativity, "Don't worry. You're girl saved up all year for VIP tickets so we don't have to wait." she said as she pulled up the tickets on her phone. The two of you walked to the VIP entrance and got your tickets scanned.

"Eeee! I'm so excited! We got pit seats, come on!" Wanda grabbed your hand and dragged you to the front of the stage.

The place continued to get more and more crowded, then the lights went off and the crowd screamed.

Red stage lights turned on to reveal the band in all their glory.

Natasha Romanoff on the keyboard, Steve Rogers on the guitar, Sam Wilson on the drums, and finally, standing in the middle of the stage behind a microphone, was Bucky Barnes wearing nothing but tight leather pants and his metal chain necklace. He also had a red electric guitar with him.

The band began to play, Bucky screaming and wailing into the microphone. You noticed he had eyeliner on, making him ten times hotter than he already is. You shook the thoughts out of your head. You should not be thinking like this.

The show went on, and it was great. Afterwards the crowd was cheering and screaming. Women threw their bras on the stage at Bucky. Obviously fueling his ego.

"I hope you have a great night, New York!" Bucky screamed into the mic and then he blew a kiss to the crowd as walked off stage. Your heart fluttered at the action. 'Get it together, Y/n!' you scolded yourself mentally.

"Okay! Now we get to go to the VIP after party, let's go!"

Wanda dragged you to the place where the afterparty took place. There were a bunch of people, music blaring, drinks being served left and right, the room becoming hazy due to people vaping.

You ordered a virgin margarita, not wanting to get drunk in a place like this. Wanda did the same. Even though she's a party girl, she's smart. The two of you sat at a bar height table in the corner of the room, so you could finish your drinks in peace.

Afterwards, the two of you got up and danced. Most of Vibranium's songs were playing but there were other songs from other bands mixed in as well. Then, the crowd cheered and you turned to see the band walking into the party. Bucky had a black tank top on now.

He looked so hot amongst the other band members. You scowled at your own thoughts.

Everyone crowded around them, and the party went on. You got separated from Wanda which made you nervous. You also tried to avoid Bucky as much as possible. However, Bucky saw you before you noticed him. He was so glad that you were at this party.

He made his way through the crowd and up to your table you were sitting at. He leaned against it and looked you up and down. You looked hot as fuck.
"Oh, it's you again." you said, trying to sound uninterested. But it was getting harder and harder as you smelt the beer and cologne mixture that emitted from him.

"Can I at least get your name?" he pleaded. You smirked at his begging.

"It's Y/n. Y/n L/n." you responded.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

You rolled your eyes.

"Real original, Barnes."

"I'm just stating the truth. Now will you at least let me buy you a drink?"

"How do I know you're not gonna roofie it?"

"Doll, do you really think I'd do that? If I wanted to get you in my bed all I'd have to do is ask." he gave a cocky smile.

You had to bite back your own smile. "Fine, but no alcohol. I need to get back to my hotel in one piece tonight."

"On it, ma'am." he saluted before walking away.

A man walked up to you and tried to flirt with you.

"You wanna come back to my place?" he asked as he slowly moved his hand on your thigh.

You tried to push away.

"No, I'm not interested." you said, but he continued to touch you until a broad figure stood in front of you.
"She said no, asshole." Bucky growled.

The man, who was definitely not as tall and muscular as Buck, backed off and sprinted away.

"Yeah! Run you fucking asshole!" he shouted after him.

Bucky sat across from you and gave you your drink. You looked down at the drink and  up to him with a raised eyebrow.

"I swear, I didn't put anything in it." He put his hands up in defense. You cautiously took a sip, and then continued to down the drink.

Bucky downed his as well.

He stood up and held his hand out,

"Wanna dance?"

You contemplated for a bit before putting your hand in his and he led you to the dance floor. You felt eyes on you as you danced with the rockstar, lots of jealous girls and guys shooting daggers at you.

"I know you're probably turned off by my...behavior." he said as he spun you around and pulled you back to him, your back flush against his chest, he kept you there and whispered in your ear,

"But I'd never do that to you, Y/n. If you'd just let me take you out?"

You sighed, not knowing what to do. But what's the harm of going on a date with an extremely hot rockstar?

"Okay. Sure. I'll go out with you." you breathed. You could practically feel the smirk on his face as he kissed your cheek.

If you weren't blushing then, you're blushing now.

The two of you parted and exchanged phone numbers before continuing to dance.

You do not regret letting Wanda drag you here. You'll thank her later.

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