Chapter 10: I'll be your summer sun

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When you went home that day, you felt like your heart could explode. So much happened, and it felt like things in your life were really coming together.

You called Wanda that night.

"I'm telling you, Y/n, you two are meant to be!" she squealed.

You chuckled,

"Yeah, I think so." you blushed at the thought, twirling your hair. You felt and looked like a lovesick teenager.

"You need to move in with him! From the sounds of it, he wants you to. And his house sounds so cool!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We literally just met last week, and I'm not ready to pack all my shit to move up into some mansion."

"You literally could have it all. A famous hot boyfriend, a beautiful big house, and a ton of attention."

You sighed, "I know, I know. I just feel like I should wait a bit, you know? It's not like I don't trust or love him or anything, it's just that, this could all go to shit, and I'd be left without a house."

"Yeah, I understand. I guess I'm just excited for you, because I would damn well move in with him as soon as I got the chance."

"I know you would." You chuckled.

Later that night as you laid restless in bed, you thought about the idea of living with him. Sure, this is probably moving too fast, but you can't help but fantasize about it.

Your mom is awake, you should probably call her and ask what she thinks.

You picked up your phone and clicked on her contact.

It rang for a few minutes before she answered.

"Hey, honey. What's going on?"

"Hi, mom. So you know about my new boyfriend, Bucky, right?"

"Yes, the rockstar. I know very well of him." she chuckled softly on the other end.

"He's hinting that he wants me to move in with him. And I know it seems too fast, but I can't help but think maybe I should. I mean his house is wonderful."

"Well, if it were up to your father you wouldn't be moving in with any man until your 45." she laughed, "But you're an adult now, and I think you should be able to make your own decisions. My advice, sleep on it for a bit, okay? Know what you're getting yourself into before making the decision."

"Okay, I will. Thank you, mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/n." and you hung up and flopped on your bed.

Sleeping on it is a good idea. Then in the morning you'll come to a decision and talk to Bucky about it.

The next morning you woke up and got ready for the day. Luckily you had this day 0ff of work to do whatever you wanted, and you continued to think about last night over coffee and a scone.

It would be nice to not have to worry about paying expensive LA rent anymore, but again, you and Bucky could break up and you'd be left without a home. Maybe your friend Kate can let you stay with her for a bit before you find an apartment or another townhouse.

You do always have other options if everything goes to shit, including living with your parents if it ever comes down to it.

So you got in your car and drove to Bucky's house. Upon driving up to the gate, you pushed the buzzer.

"Hello? Who is it?" Bucky asked, sounding irritated.

"Um, it's Y/n."

"Oh, babygirl. Let me let you in." he said, his voice sounding less angry from just a few seconds ago.

The gates opened and you drove up to the driveway.

Bucky was already outside waiting for you.

He engulfed you in a hug as soon as you got out of the car.

He kissed your hair, and you giggled softly against his chest.

When the two of you got inside, he pushed you up against the wall and kissed you passionately, his hands wandering your body.

You pulled away, breathless.

"James, we need to talk."

The two of you sat on the couch facing each other.

"What's going on, baby? You're not breaking up with me, are you?"

You chuckled, shaking your head,

"No. Quite the opposite, actually." Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I want to move in with you." you said in one breath.

A smile was plastered on his face, he wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tight, pushing you back to lay down on the couch as he got on top of you, still hugging you tightly.

You laughed as he playfully kissed your neck and then looked up at you, a goofy smile on his face.

"I'm so happy, baby. So fucking happy." he said before kissing you on the lips again, passionately.

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